Here’s another story proving dogs really are man’s best friend. Thanks to Michelle for barking this to me.
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. – A dog specially trained to call 911 when his owner suffers seizures grabbed the phone Wednesday morning and whimpered for help when the dispatcher answered, police said.
The 911 operator, Chris Trott, heard a cry when she picked up the phone. Besides saying “woof†Buddy obviously can’t talk, he’s been trained to whimper when he hears the operators voice. The 911 system is able to match where the phone call is coming from and send the needed help.
Buddy’s owner, Joe Stalnaker, was suffering one of his more severe seizures, said Sgt. Mark Clark of the Scottsdale Police Department.
Ten years ago, Stalnaker said he was in a military accident that severely injured part of his brain, leaving him prone to potentially fatal seizures.
Buddy was specially trained, by Paws With a Cause, to recognize when his owner is having a seizure and then to bring the phone to him.
“He doesn’t actually sit there and dial 911, but whenever he picks up the phone, one of his teeth inevitably hits the number, and if it’s held down for more than three seconds, it dials the police department,†Stalnaker said.
When the ambulance arrived both Stalnaker and his Buddy were taken to the hospital. Luckily, everything is fine and they were back home within two days.
Do you think when his owner isn’t looking Buddy’s making phone calls to Fluffy across the street?