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Timperley, C5
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Another Metamorphosis

Life & Events > Remember, Remember . . .

Remember, Remember . . .

In the years after England split away from the Catholic Church, most English monarchs were not very tolerant of Catholics living in England. James I was a Protestant king and English Catholics despaired of any return to the old religion. A small group decided to blow up both King and Parliament with gunpowder. They planned to place James' daughter Elizabeth on the throne. They hoped she would marry a Catholic prince and England would once again be a Catholic country. . .

This was to 'begin', a tradition of 'festivities', which we still observe today . . . although I must admit, it does not have the same 'build - up' to it as when I was a child. Then, weeks and weeks of 'gathering (dry) wood', paper, cardboard etc.  -  oh yes and 'old clothes' . . . .

. . . To be continued

posted on Nov 3, 2010 3:17 AM ()


So why are we burning stuffed dummies again! I've seen catholics have fireworks displays!!! I think the legend has died along with the tale. The UK needs to get more creative and celebrate something more positive like *Thanks Giving*. That will never die.
comment by lynniesouffle on Nov 3, 2010 9:54 AM ()
Well 'of course', catholics enjoy it!
The 'past' is, past!!!
This is 'History' . . . we 'Learn' from 'history' . . . never to allow anyone to do 'bad' things to 'us' again - - - regardless of 'whatever' the topical item 'is'.
Fireworks night, is a tradition that 'modern' people want to keep. Fact. Still, the 'History', of it 'ought' to be remembered.
reply by febreze on Nov 4, 2010 9:00 AM ()
Yes but as the story goes, being what history tells us; why are their catholics celebrating November 5th?
I know of loads!
They do it because their kids want sparklers, fireworks displays, penny for the guy-ing (which often costs more) a big ass fire and cocolate brownies! *Peer pressure*
The real history and it's morals are dead! The celebration of burning a guy on the fire for trying to burn down the houses of parliment is 'the history'. People in todays day and age arn't aware of the religous reasons. Why would the catholics I know celebrate it otherwise? It beats me.
reply by lynniesouffle on Nov 3, 2010 4:17 PM ()
It is not a 'legend'!!! Our monarchy 'still' will not have a catholic on the throne.
The 'American' Thanksgiving day on the fourth Thursday in November and on the second Monday in October in Canada, is celebrated because of The Pilgrim settlers of Massachusetts first 'harvest', in 1621.
For the 'reasons the Pilgrim fathers 'left Britain' upon the Mayflower', is because of their 'religon' (they were puritans).
British 'tradition', is as important to people all over the world, just as it is to a lot, of the British people. The 'revenue' this country 'enjoys' is a heck of a lot to do with 'tourism - Buck house and . . . Big Ben (Parliament) etc.
reply by febreze on Nov 3, 2010 12:38 PM ()
Tell me more...could it be Guy Fawkes day?
comment by elderjane on Nov 3, 2010 6:01 AM ()
That it is Jeri, I will doing another post, maybe this evening or tomorrow. 405 years ago today, all the conspirators were laying their parts of the plot in place (pity thy didn't have our 'hindsight')
reply by febreze on Nov 3, 2010 12:42 PM ()

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