From the Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC at 9pm (a great show, you guys should check it out!)
posted on Sept 12, 2008 2:54 PM ()
Heard this on the news.The more dirt that they dig up,the better for her.They loved the underdog
My wife was a big Hillary supporter...huge...yet she sees through Sarah Palin for what she really is...the whole idea of playing the victim card for Palin doesn't work. She's incredibly unqualified and has so many other issues, they need to get out there and aired out. I don't think it's a matter of being picked on, it's a matter of clarifying who see really is. Frankly in all honesty, she scares the hell out of me and it certainly has nothing to do with gender.
Confirmed by her Charles Gibson interview: Sarah Palin is a witch! Make that with a capital B.
Sarah Palin is being attacked just as Geraldine Ferraro was when she was picked as as a VP candidate. The "good ol' boys" are still not ready to have a woman on the ticket. I say this as one who does not plan to vote for her but one who recognizes that a lot of this is personal and not political.
Executive privledge? Hmmm sounds familiar? If her husband is a is that possible? And there's 1100 emails with held? Incredible...
Boy,is she is getting hit.They really hate this woman. Picking on her is terrible.No I am not voting for her But why all the schitt coming out now. This is terrible,I feel for her and family. Are they saying that she is a beetch.
for her.They loved the underdog