James M.


James M.
Lewes, DE
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Politics & Legal > Not Tracking Nukes?!

Not Tracking Nukes?!

Hey, remember, we need the FISA Sooooooo much, he will veto the bill all together if telecoms don't get immunity. I know, that makes no sense unless you are an intellectual moron like Bush and his followers. And remember what he said to the house today...
"Terrorists are planning new attacks on our country...that will make Sept. 11 pale by comparison," Bush said.

Meanwhile, as they pull the fear card. This comes out today in the Washington Post...

The Defense Department is displaying a "precipitous decrease in attention" to the security and control of the U.S. nuclear arsenal, according to a Defense Science Board task force that examined the broader causes behind the U.S. flight in August of a B-52 bomber that inadvertently carried six cruise missiles armed with nuclear warheads.

"The decline in DoD focus has been more pronounced than realized and too extreme to be acceptable," the task force said in a report released yesterday by its chairman, retired Air Force Gen. Larry D. Welch, at a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing.

Welch, who served in the 1980s as head of the Strategic Air Command and later as Air Force chief of staff, told the senators about his concern that "the nation and its leadership do not value the nuclear mission and the people who perform that mission."...

Remember...Telecom immunity for BREAKING THE LAW=safety. Monitoring Nukes....ahhh who cares.....

posted on Feb 13, 2008 4:36 PM ()


One has to wonder how much more damage can our 30 percent president reign on this country of ours? Somebody speed up the clock....
comment by strider333 on Feb 13, 2008 8:17 PM ()
Good post there James.
comment by fredo on Feb 13, 2008 4:41 PM ()

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