They never needed to violate our privacy this way during the cold war. Now they need to against terrorists with box cutters. Give me a break! Its not about the listening, its about the retroactive immunity (some for things that we STILL don't know what they are!). Listen to this big "boo" bullshit...
WASHINGTON - President Bush pressured the House on Wednesday to pass new rules for monitoring terrorists' communications, saying "terrorists are planning new attacks on our country ... that will make Sept. 11 pale by comparison."
Bush said he would not agree to giving the House more time to debate a measure the Senate passed Tuesday governing the government's ability to work with telecommunications companies to eavesdrop on phone calls and e-mails between suspected terrorists.
It's soooooo important....Sooooooooooooo important, because we could be attacked again any minute now. Any minute that is why you can't talk about it over 2 hours. HORSESHIT! If they have any sense at all, they will tell him to shove it...
Sorry....Fuming here....