Well, its about time! The "land of the free" has finally lifted the ban on people with HIV travelling to the U.S.
Oh John. How could you? Your wife has cancer even, are you trying to look worse than Newt or McCain or what?! When I first heard their was a sex scandal, but didn't hear the words "gay", "meth", or "prostitutes", I knew it was one of ours. If you still don't know what I am talking about, John Edwards got caught with a mistress and their "love child". Not that personal lives really should matter, with the exception of the hypocritical who vote to suppress the rights of people while getting their freak on.
McCain as added one more to his already counted 61 flip-flops. This new one is on the topic of affirmative action. Will we hit seventy by election day? My bet is yes.

Speaking of Grampa McCain, you will love this little double standard of the State Department. Obama rallies are off limits, but McSame, sure knock yourself out. Maybe they are hoping this will help his drop in popularity compared to Obama. Current Gallop poll shows Obama 49, McCain 40.
Here is your Support the troops, Republican style stories for the day. First one is the tragic and sickening story about Lavena Johnson. Interesting that the big issue about the army this last week was don't ask don't tell, but this sort of story doesn't get a peep...
The parents of the young Missouri woman
were told that she died of self-inflicted gunshot wounds, and her death
was ruled a suicide. But her physician father became suspicious after
looking at injuries to the body:
two years of requesting documents, one set of papers provided by the
Army included a xerox copy of a CD. Wondering why the xerox copy was in
the documents, Dr. Johnson requested the CD itself. With help from his
local Congressional representative, the US Army finally complied. When
Dr. Johnson viewed the CD, he was shocked to see photographs taken by
Army investigators of his daughter's body as it lay where her body had
been found, as well as other photographs of her disrobed body taken
during the investigation.
The photographs revealed that Lavena, a small woman, barely 5 feet tall
and weighing less than 100 pounds, had been struck in the face with a
blunt instrument, perhaps a weapon stock. Her nose was broken and her
teeth knocked backwards. One elbow was distended. The back of her
clothes had debris on them indicating she had been dragged from one
location to another. The photographs of her disrobed body showed
bruises, scratch marks and teeth imprints on the upper part of her
body. The right side of her back as well as her right hand had been
burned apparently from a flammable liquid poured on her and then
lighted. The photographs of her genital area revealed massive bruising
and lacerations. A corrosive liquid had been poured into her genital
area, probably to destroy DNA evidence of sexual assault....(more)
Your second support the troops, republican style story is also rather depressing. Over 22,000 vets contacted a suicide hotline since LAST JULY.
But wait, their is more suicide news. As our national debt increases to astounding levels, and more elderly find themselves in foreclosure and bankruptsy, people are turning to suicide more and more as a debt relief. Even the food drives are finding themselves short on resources!
The Impeachment hearings last week turned out to be a bit of a flop. For some reason, unless their is a blue dress and a democrat in office, nobody wants to impeach, even against the worst president in U.S. History. I refuse to be discouraged though, I will take war crimes trials instead...
And on my final morning note, Juan Cole analyzes the so-called "success" in Iraq, finding that the decreased violence has more to do with a successful ethnic cleansing campaign than the surge itself. Just keep repeating eveything is good there, like the republicans want you to.