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Politics & Legal > Stealing Your Child's DNA & News Roundup. 5/5/08

Stealing Your Child's DNA & News Roundup. 5/5/08

Links underlined, for more details
I have a pretty lengthy list of things to talk about, since I am getting ready to move and won't be back on line for a few days, while I wait for new internet hookups and all that crap at my new place. We pretty much have all our crap together for the move, and that will be consuming most of my day tomorrow. I hate packing...UGGG. Anyway...

Most of you surely remember the "DC Madam" and that whole prostitution scandal that burned such figures as Randall Tobias and Senator David "likes it in diapers" Vitter. Well, are you ready for an unsettling update on that situation? Deborah Jeane Palfrey aka "the DC Madam" was found hanging in a storage shed near her mother's home in Florida. What the New York Times didn't elaborate on was that she is the second suicide from that organization. Now, I could get conspiratorial, or just be mean and say that sleeping with republican politicians leaves you suicidal, but I will leave the speculations to you..

Senator Clinton is again facing criticisms, one for her stupid notion she shares with John McCain that a "gas tax holiday" would help us with rising fuel prices. Second, for her whole bombing Iran tirade with the hypothetical scenario of Iran nuking Israel. I guess Bush's recent decision to wage covert war on them wasn't enough for her blood. Yea, because we just haven't had enough unjustified wars, or haven't threatened enough middle eastern countries...

President Papaw McCain is back in the news. First for his flip-flop on the "mission accomplished" statements in light of the recent 5 year anniversary of that bullshit speech. Secondly, for his creative use of inmate forced labor to aid his campaign. And finally, for saying what Alan Greenspan said, that the Iraq war was about (get ready for it.....get ready....) Oil.
"My friends, I will have an energy policy that we will be talking about, which will eliminate our dependence on oil from the Middle East that will -- that will then prevent us -- that will prevent us from having ever to send our young men and women into conflict again in the Middle East,” McCain said.

Ya don't say...

Actually, Here is your true mission accomplished..
Chevron Corp. reported a 9.6% rise in first-quarter profit, echoing a theme set earlier in the week by other international oil companies: Soaring crude prices are pumping up profits to astronomical levels.

The second-largest U.S. oil company by market value after Exxon Mobil Corp. was the third major oil company to beat analysts' expectations in the week. Chevron posted net income of $5.17 billion, topping analysts mean estimates by $219 million, despite narrower refining margins and a tough comparison from a big year-ago gain from an asset sale.

And on the subject of our never ending illegal occupation of the middle east, a few stories I want to touch on. First, the "gross incompetence" demonstrated by our current administration in Iraq as described by a former Iraqi military commander. Again...Ya don't say. Second, are you ready to send another 7000 troops to Afghanistan (you know, the other war on terra)? I know, what they really want in Afghanistan is food, but hey, it's not like we care about the civilian populations or anything. We will send the troops there, and the money to the contractors in Iraq, another 70 Billion according to Bush's latest request (who needs infrastructure and social programs when you can pay your buddies to do crappy jobs in other countries you don't really care about? It's not like Americans are having problems such as decreasing life expectancy by as much as five years in some places with this "top notch health care" system we hear about from those who piss their pants over "socialized medicine"). Case in point, intelligence matters in Iraq (which have gone quite smoothly, haven't they?) has been outsourced to a private contractor called Titan, and this report from Corpwatch paints a really telling picture of the private sectors "efficiency". But hey, spreading that "democracy" to Iraq was one of those stated goals. If by democracy you mean 15+ women beheaded monthly for violations of the dress code in "honor" killings.

And now finally, for a few stories that are political but don't quite fit in the above topics. Another hunger strike has broke out in Gitmo, America's torture chamber. Get ready to send more tube feedings over there to Cuba huh? The Pentagon, has shifted focus from propagandizing you to propagandizing the world by starting a news organization. Why do I doubt that they are fair and balanced? Well, neither is Fox, but oh well, we already know from academic and professional studies that watching Fox news makes one stupid. Oh, parents you will love this, the government is now stockpiling newborn's DNA to use as they see fit, with no permission needed or consent required. All part of the Newborn Screening Saves Lives Act of 2007 signed in April of this year. So if your child has a gene which can be used to cure cancer for example, guess who gets nothing for that. Remember to love your mailman/woman, they can tell you if the government is checking your mail. And last but not least, a recent poll has found that us gay people are more rare that previously believed, only 2.9% of the population are gay/lesbian or bisexual. It also found that we are younger and more politically active than our straight counterparts, which probably has something to do with being discriminated against and the ignoring of the AIDS crisis by most government administrations.

You guys and gals have a good one, see ya when my internet is back up and running!

posted on May 5, 2008 1:40 AM ()


Well, you did cover a lot of ground. Hope you are online soon, but I remember when we went off (to get s completely different email address, as I recall) it took forever to clear our lines and then re-connect. Maybe your service is better.
comment by sunlight on May 5, 2008 11:13 PM ()
I just stopped by to say hello. So, are you moving to Deleware?
comment by texastar on May 5, 2008 10:28 PM ()
I did take note of the fact that this was the second suicide. She had said earlier, however, that she would not go to jail under any circumstance.
comment by redimpala on May 5, 2008 7:48 PM ()
Glad you answered about where you are moving--I thought I was missing something--are you going to stay in Delaware for the summer???
comment by greatmartin on May 5, 2008 7:28 PM ()
I commented over on my blog mostly to say this is not a republican thing but a power thing.
comment by mmmhollywould on May 5, 2008 6:24 AM ()
Where are you all moving to?

I heard about the lady hanging herself...kinda convenient huh?
comment by elfie33 on May 5, 2008 4:22 AM ()

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