I have never claimed additional knowledge over this domain, I am a nurse, not a political science major, with a little old Biology minor. I am not in the loop to learn more than anyone else with a computer and an enjoyment of CSPAN or talk radio. I almost always provide the links to my sources so you can decide for yourself if what I am saying is an accurate assertion. But when I see an incorrect political assumption or talking point, I speak up. Education is the key as they say. Some feel they cannot change it, so they just don't pay attention to it, allowing others to guide the environment they live in for better or worse without any say. But, so many people just don't really want to know.
Some, prefer their illusions that the Republican party could do no wrong. For some, I believe that is because of this merger the Right has conducted between religion and politics. Once they merge, as they have, when one looks bad, both look bad. So many a christian who thought abortion was bad or gays are evil fought hard for the republicans, even though they were legislating the murder of over a million Iraqis now, or were raping the treasury of the money we, and our future generations were going to put there. For the religious extremists to admit fault and responsibilty in being by proxy responsible for that suffering is hard to do, as history has shown. They will allow lots of murder and suffering before they admit fault. Didn't they just apologize over Galilao last year?
So, politics is personal. For some, it is a spiritual thing. That is when it is dangerous. When we lose the ability to utilize the facts, and jump on leaps of faith to justify our actions.
And don't get me wrong, Both parties play with the religion card, because of voter turn out. Pick an issue (wedge) that is tied to religion or spirituality indirectly, and get the congregations to come out for you. That is the whole purpose in my opinion of wedge issues. That is why morality should not be a legislated topic. Funny how the party of small and un-intrusive government tends to run on just those topics, isn't it?
But to you who I offended, I apologize if I came of callous or "know it all". I am sure you are not the first or last. I keep an open mind, I await for some proof or validation of counter-points. But mostly, I just get bitched at, called names or the like. True logical debate requires some civility to it, and I can do it if you can. Stomping feet and saying "shut up and go away" though, doesn't exactly demonstrate either civility or maturity now does it.