James M.


James M.
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Life & Events > Politics, Religion & Taking it Personally.

Politics, Religion & Taking it Personally.

    In my line of work, education is stressed. Nurses are tasked not only with the care of the patient, but teaching the patient what they need to know about their conditions, and how to better take care of themselves, overcome limitations, and how to find more information in regards to their condition or treatments. It is with this view, that I look at the world of politics, and it is with those actions, that I really seem to piss people off.
    I have never claimed additional knowledge over this domain, I am a nurse, not a political science major, with a little old Biology minor. I am not in the loop to learn more than anyone else with a computer and an enjoyment of CSPAN or talk radio.  I almost always provide the links to my sources so you can decide for yourself if what I am saying is an accurate assertion. But when I see an incorrect political assumption or talking point, I speak up. Education is the key as they say. Some feel they cannot change it, so they just don't pay attention to it, allowing others to guide the environment they live in for better or worse without any say. But, so many people just don't really want to know.
    Some, prefer their illusions that the Republican party could do no wrong. For some, I believe that is because of this merger the Right has conducted between religion and politics. Once they merge, as they have, when one looks bad, both look bad. So many a christian who thought abortion was bad or gays are evil fought hard for the republicans, even though they were legislating the murder of over a million Iraqis now, or were raping the treasury of the money we, and our future generations were going to put there. For the religious extremists to admit fault and responsibilty in being by proxy responsible for that suffering is hard to do, as history has shown. They will allow lots of murder and suffering before they admit fault. Didn't they just apologize over Galilao last year?
    So, politics is personal. For some, it is a spiritual thing. That is when it is dangerous. When we lose the ability to utilize the facts, and jump on leaps of faith to justify our actions.
    And don't get me wrong, Both parties play with the religion card, because of voter turn out. Pick an issue (wedge) that is tied to religion or spirituality indirectly, and get the congregations to come out for you. That is the whole purpose in my opinion of wedge issues. That is why morality should not be a legislated topic. Funny how the party of small and un-intrusive government tends to run on just those topics, isn't it?
    But to you who I offended, I apologize if I came of callous or "know it all". I am sure you are not the first or last. I keep an open mind, I await for some proof or validation of counter-points. But mostly, I just get bitched at, called names or the like. True logical debate requires some civility to it, and I can do it if you can. Stomping feet and saying "shut up and go away" though, doesn't exactly demonstrate either civility or maturity now does it.

posted on June 11, 2008 1:49 PM ()


"(I don't exactly lead an exciting life..LOL)" Nursing must be exciting now and then (my son always has lots of stories about the hospital) and... your personal thoughts about life should be interesting too. To me all is interesting. Btw I always have problems with "what to write". I dont write easy specially not in english lol.
comment by itsjustme on June 16, 2008 1:00 AM ()
Your persistence is important, I'm sure you know that. About 6 years ago I believed conservative columnists like Jack Kelly who declared that Saddam Hussein definitely was behind the 9/11 hijackers. I believed it because I was very lazy and didn't bother to read critically, or very much of the news at all. People need to be prodded, because at some point they will hear the voice of someone they respect who will get through to them.
comment by drmaus on June 15, 2008 12:06 PM ()
Oh, oh--like I am not going to be okay from surgery? NOW I AM WORRIED!!! KIDDING!!
comment by greatmartin on June 15, 2008 10:21 AM ()
Pursue the truth on the path, validate it and forget what people think...your happiness is not in their hands..."forgive them for they know not what they say"
comment by strider333 on June 15, 2008 12:09 AM ()
I actually learn alot by reading your articles. I'm not well educated at all in the realm of politics and would never try to show otherwise. But, one of the main reasons I read your blog, besides liking your style of writing, is the fact that I learn from you. I find that your artilces are based on research. Yes, I am often stunned and shocked at the facts, but I still learn.
comment by hopefields on June 14, 2008 12:36 AM ()
Very nice post, James! I know that you always research your articles very thoroughly and ALWAYS give the backup sources. Your posts are very educational and reliable. I do think you're so right about the religion connection. Isn't it specified in the Constitution? Freedom of religion and separation of church and state... I think that most people who argue with you are pretty much hard core right wingers, aren't they? I don't think anyone can convince them of being neutral or listening to some reason.

I have an aunt who is a nurse (and a cousin). So I do know that continuing education is a great part of it... Keeping up is important. I know that our school nurse knows (sometimes) more than the doctors. Once I had a rash and the doctor told me it was ringworm. The nurse told me it was pittariasis rosea (I KNOW that's spelled wrong!) Anyway, she was right as confirmed and cured by a skin specialist ... after two months! Take care... don't be so concerned when someone disagrees with you (I should talk... I leave when someone even looks crookedly at me!) (You probably has many silent readers and admirers!)
comment by sunlight on June 12, 2008 5:18 PM ()
This is a very good post. I drop by time to time and I'm always interested in what you have to say. I didn't know you were a nurse! how wonderful to be in a profession that's so needful particularly of men. I used to be a Republican, I am nothing now by choice. I don't think either side is 100% right or wrong, but I cannot in all honestly vote for John McCain. That's for sure! Thanks for this, you gave us a view of your softer side.
comment by teacherwoman on June 12, 2008 4:08 PM ()
Unfortunately I must admit I always agree with your posts (sorry for that lol). You thought me a lot about your political system., thx for that btw. The way you comment is not offensive so keep going on with that.
But, I must admit, I also appreciate the more personal posts you write (not so often). I always would like to know more about the person behind ekyprogresive lol. Pls keep on writing J.
comment by itsjustme on June 12, 2008 12:59 AM ()
I am one of your biggest fans (maybe because of your mouth--is that being tacky!) as you have taught me a lot--I find that these people who want you 'to shut up and go away' or call you names or have turned on you are silly little people who would never admit thay are or could be wrong so--you do not owe an apology to anyone
comment by greatmartin on June 11, 2008 3:24 PM ()
you cannot annoy me James.I am too easy.oh!what do I know.Beside we love ya.
comment by fredo on June 11, 2008 2:22 PM ()
James, I read alot of your political articles. I do gain knowledge from them and I think that is why you post them. Not to get anyone mad. politics and religion can be very volatile subjects. I however like to read different points of view even if I don't comment.
comment by elkhound on June 11, 2008 2:02 PM ()
Good post James.What can I say about this
comment by fredo on June 11, 2008 1:59 PM ()

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