James M.


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Politics & Legal > Obama Author & 9/11 Truther?

Obama Author & 9/11 Truther?

I am sure most of you have already heard about the right wing smear piece by author and right wing mouth piece Jerome R. Corsi. His book, "The Obama nation" is his second book about democratic presidential hopefuls, the first one against John Kerry, and his second to contain blatant falsehoods. But right now the Neo-cons really love this man. I wonder if they would still love him, if someone mentioned this...

9/11 theory

According to Corsi, "A video clip widely circulated on the Internet
shows a test that pulverized an F-4 fighter on impact with a hardened
target, providing evidence to answer 9/11 skeptics who question why so little identifiable airplane debris remained after
the hijacked American Airlines Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon."[80] It has been reported that audio and a youtube video has been circulating of Corsi's Jan. 29th, 2008 interview on conspiracy theorist Alex Jones' radio show.[81][82][83] In the interview Corsi discusses "the findings of Steven Jones, physicist and hero of the “9/11 Truth” movement who claims to have evidence that the World Trade Center[84] Corsi cites Jones' findings of microscopic forensic evidence which
seemingly negates the U.S. government hypothesis that the aircraft's
jet fuel fired heat, alone, was suffiently hot enough to collapse the
steel superstructure of the buildings
. Obama's campaign has criticized
Corsi for these claims.[85][86][87] [88] In August 2008, Corsi again appeared on Jones' show and promoted
towers collapsed due to explosives inside the building, not just the planes hitting them, during the attacks."The Obama Nation.[89]
Wow, I didn't know Corsi was a 9/11 truther! Nor did I know that conservatives were so happy to have them in their fold...
Oh and by the way, guess who just got back in the McCain Camp? "Foreclosure" Phil is back as a McCain Economic Adviser.

posted on Aug 25, 2008 7:21 AM ()


interesting subject
comment by itsjustme on Aug 26, 2008 6:24 AM ()
do I email you at elky or james @ mybloggers?
comment by cindy on Aug 25, 2008 4:42 PM ()

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