Stories of a sucky economy...
I wanted to start with this, because Bush is still saying "don't worry". But, apparently, there is plenty more reasons to be skeptical, besides the fact that Bush has yet to make a true statement that is. First, let's look at General motors. They are reporting the largest quarterly loss, EVER. As a result, they are offering buyouts to their union workers.
In the mortgage crisis, which I touch on it seems daily since it has gotten so bad for so many people, Lenders from 6 major companies are now having to work with people. Probably because the crisis has gone beyond the "subprime" lenders, and is now torturing those with good credit too.
Stories of Screwy election systems/People...
What the Hell happened in Washington State that has Huckleberry in a fit? Maybe this will tell you more about it.
Rollins said Huckabee was losing by 242 votes with 87 percent of the vote counted. He said there were 1,500 or so more votes that were apparently not counted.
Now, do I want Huckleberry to win, of course not. I just like how humiliating this split is for the conservatives. Conservatives and "pseudoconservatives" are all over the board over this. Even Karl "Turdblossom" Rove is flip-flopping here.
Personally, I find the recent statements by the Clinton Campaign about considering the "Superdelegates" votes a "sure deal". Now, not picking on Hillary, we Dems have the luxury of good candidates this time around, whoever wins it. But this, disturbs me. It don't feel very "Democratic" to have all the people chose Obama, then have DNC members or party members in the states throw it to Hillary. Republicans Hate her, HATE her. If she wins, their turnout numbers will increase. With Obama, their disillusionment with their own candidates will be their downfall. Hillary even sent her daughter to a 21 year old "super-delegate" who has never voted for a president before. Here is a list (PDF) of the "Superdelegates", for your information. By the way, without these superdelegates, Obama has the lead.
Stories of Middle eastern Crisis...
Well, Gates is putting an end to troop reductions for a while. Seems the progress is dependent upon maintaining a presence in Iraq at around the 130 thousand mark. Yea..."progress" my ass, makes me think of those TV antennas you have to hold just so to get reception, but that's just my wierd mind. Anyways, two CBS reporters have been kidnapped and a search is underway for them. We can hope for the best. Someone else has gone missing. The Pakistani Ambassador to Afghanistan. Ummm, why is that not being talked about. Like anywhere?
Other Disturbing stuff...
The Fisa Immunity bill passed. Can we fire Harry Reid now?
Why is Spain only making clothes for the women with hourglass shapes? What about your pear shaped women?
yer keepin' 'em honest pal