James, are you mad at me? I did go back to Randi's video and heard it without the music. I was wondering the same thing that Stephanie wondered. why did the station make any fuss at all because I noticed that she was on stage! So, she wasn't even doing her program... Free speech? What are we coming to? I love Stephanie... I didn't know Randi, but I mentioned it to my husband and he knows her and he likes her a lot! He told me about her situation, too. I thought it was a suspension for a few days... What is Stephanie talking about her being fired? It can't be, can it? This is crazy! Doing an act on stage and calling Hill and Ferraro what she did was her right! That's what the people in the audience came to see... (I've got one of those music players... but I put it so it doesn't start automatically. I've got to search for some Fleetwood Mac! I've got country on it now... Does Stevie go with country?? )