Pentagon employee erases mention of homosexuality on dead soldier’s Wikipedia page.
The Washington Blade reports that a computer with a Pentagon-registered IP address removed references of Maj. Alan Rogers’ sexual orientation:
Information that was deleted included Rogers’
sexual orientation; the soldier’s participation in American Veterans
for Equal Rights, a group that works to change military policy toward
gays; and the fact that Rogers’ death helped bring the U.S. military’s casualty toll in Iraq to 4,000. […]
The IP address attached to the deletion of the details and the posted comments is The address belongs to a computer from the office of the Army Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (G-2) at the Pentagon.
The office is headed by Lt. Gen. John Kimmons, who was present at
Rogers’ funeral and presented the flag from Rogers’ coffin to his
cousin, Cathy Long.
On March 30, Washington Post Ombudsman Deborah Howell said the paper erred when it excluded references to Rogers’s homosexuality in its original report, noting that “the story would have been richer for it.”
By the way, did anyone else hear that there was a new NIE on Iraq, and that it was more optimistic. That would be nice, if it was really a National Intelligence Estimate, that is...
According to an administration official with knowledge of the
intelligence process, this morning's intelligence document isn't itself
a National Intelligence Estimate. "It's not a formal report," the
official said, "it's more or less an assessment memo, an update to
policy makers." August's report covered political and security
developments in Iraq and their prospects for improvement or
deterioration. It found that "There have been measurable but uneven improvements in Iraq's
security situation" and that "Iraqi political leaders remain unable to
govern effectively."
But wasn't the point of the surge to allow political reconsiliation? What did he say...
"And it's important that we understand that in the first minutes
and hours after attack, that's the most hopeful time to save lives. And
so that's why we're focusing on the heroic efforts of those first-time
responders." (Feb. 6, 2002)
Wrong quote, but funny, especially since he has said "First Time Responders" on at least 7 occasions. But seriously, the goal stated was political reconsiliation, and it has not happened. So when you hear about how the "surge is working" from General Patreus, keep that little fact in your mind.