James M.


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Lewes, DE
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Politics & Legal > Are They Kidding, or Are We That Dumb?

Are They Kidding, or Are We That Dumb?

A conservative is a man who sits and thinks, mostly sits.
Woodrow Wilson
28th president of US (1856 - 1924)
    You know, I just cannot believe how often republicans in this GOP will try and use our soldiers as political leverage. Need I remind you of the body armor problems when it was a republican congress, or about Walter Reed? How about McCain saying he was against, then not voting for the most recent GI bill that passed? How about his great achievements as one of the BOTTOM five in the military academy or his 20% rating from all, non-republican funded veterans groups (which is about all of them except for that vets for freedom crew). Is the political memory hole that small, because when I read stuff like this I just want to gag....
Republican John McCain's campaign on Saturday sharply criticized Democratic rival Barack Obama for canceling a visit to wounded troops in Germany, contending Obama chose foreign leaders and cheering Europeans over "injured American heroes."
Obama's campaign called the accusation "wildly inappropriate." His spokesman has claimed that the visit to a military hospital in Germany was scrapped after the Pentagon raised concerns about political activity on a military base. Earlier, though, the campaign had said Obama decided the visit might be seen as inappropriate politicking. However, the Pentagon said the senator was never told not to visit...
When troops struggle to get just partial disability for missing limbs or brain injuries, and McCain tours the U.S. getting 100% disability and over $50,000 a year on top of his money for being a U.S. Senator because he can't raise his arms over his shoulders I can't help but wonder. Are we really that stupid to buy this?

posted on July 26, 2008 10:27 PM ()


No offense, honestly, but sometimes you guys make me dizzy.
OK, it is a fact that the oil companies might sell their products in places other than the U.S. but it is NOT A FACT that they will sell us short. That's just an imaginary hope you hold out so that you can be justified in your hatred of "Big Oil".

Please explain for me if you can how a shortage of oil is not fixed by an increase in supply? As I see it if I'm starving to death and I find food doesn't that solve my starvation problem? Now if I know you your going to give me some jive about "but that's not a solution, its a band-aid..." OK then, let's say I'm bleeding to death and that band-aid can stop the bleeding.
You Libs and Obama supporters want to yammer on about eco-friendly solutions that are 20 or more years away while you simply (and I have no idea how you do this) ignore the fact that we're all bleeding to death. You really don't see the insanity in this????
comment by think141 on July 28, 2008 6:55 AM ()
Double-think. On the one hand McCain shouldn't get 100% disability. On the other hand most wounded vets aren't getting enough. Who made you the decider? Would you trade McCain's injuries for 50 grand a year? Don't think so.
When you get right down to it you've got to admire John's honesty. As an injured vet he could be voting himself a raise right now - but he's not.
comment by think141 on July 27, 2008 7:41 AM ()
The Repugs lie daily. When the public hears the lie they also note the name McCain. The retarded progressives are so busy arguing among themselves, the rarely realize that McCain has hammered home the falsehood.
The following day another Repug lie comes out.
Yes, we are that stupid.
My answer to this is to post 10 or 12 articles per day. They might be less than profound, but they are better than lies.
comment by bumpedoff on July 27, 2008 6:21 AM ()
I get a kick out of his ad running here blaming Obama for high gas prices because he won't support off shore drilling. Now McCain knows it would take 10 years if Congress lifted the ban. Now that's straight talk?
comment by strider333 on July 26, 2008 11:01 PM ()

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