I'm Back! Oh my god did I miss being able to post and check the site. I have spent the past week on the road traveling through 3 states, helping a friend with her problems (some of you, who I have actually 'spoken to', know what I am referring to), and then working a stretch at the hospital. It's so good to have the day off, and now I have some catching up to do! Both with the blogs and the news. A few things did catch my attention though, and I was going to brush through them real quick...
Obama has officially decided to make Joe Biden his running mate. Since the primary criticisms from the right were that Obama needed more "experience", then a six term senator from Delaware, who had served on the Foreign relations committee and the Judiciary committees was not a bad pick. And there are other reasons too, for his choice. I know some wanted Hillary, but personally, I am tired of just the handful of families getting the post. I mean what would have been next, Jeb or Neil?!
Did you notice what the new Attorney General has been up to recently? Alberto number two....
...According to members of Congress, Attorney General Michael Mukasey is
preparing to give the F.B.I. broad new authority to investigate
Americans — without any clear basis for suspicion that they are
committing a crime.
Opening the door to sweeping investigations of this kind would be an
invitation to the government to spy on people based on their race,
religion or political activities....
You know, McCain must be crazy. To call his opponent an "elitist" when McCain himself doesn't know how many homes he owns in the middle of a housing crisis his economic advisor helped to create, and talks about how "strong" the economy is in his $520 dollar Ferragamo loafers, and to not catch the irony (or hypocrisy) of that must mean something is wrong upstairs. Oh, wait, something may be wrong upstairs...
...The doctors said ''he explained this partially by saying that he always
heard the guards with his food, for example, but was often so much in
his private world, that he strongly resented their coming around and
bringing him back to reality by intruding. He was enjoying his
fantasies so much. Apparently, however, there was never any serious
problem returning to reality when required.''...
And on a final thought, can we quit perpetuating the myth that McCain cares about the troops just because he was one? Any day now...
Senator McCain supported the interests of the Disabled American Veterans 20 percent in 2006.
In 2006 Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America gave Senator McCain a grade of D.
Senator McCain sponsored or co-sponsored 18 percent of the legislation favored by the The Retired Enlisted Association in 2006.
Senator McCain supported the interests of the Disabled American Veterans 25 percent in 2005.
Senator McCain supported the interests of the Disabled American Veterans 50 percent in 2004.
Senator McCain supported the interests of the The Retired Enlisted Association 0 percent in 2004.
Senator McCain supported the interests of the Vietnam Veterans of America 100 percent in 2003-2004.
Senator McCain supported the interests of the The American Legion 50 percent in 2003.
Senator McCain supported the interests of the Vietnam Veterans of America 46 percent in 2001.
Senator McCain supported the interests of the Disabled American Veterans 66 percent in 1999.
Senator McCain supported the interests of the Vietnam Veterans of America 0 percent in 1997-1998.
On the votes that the Vietnam Veterans of America considered to be the most important in 1989-1990 , Senator McCain voted their preferred position 50 percent of the time.
Seriously, though, Biden's blowhard friendliness balances the appeal McCain has for some people. And yeah, he's been around awhile and been around the world and all that.
I just want my black president. Now.