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Politics & Legal > Acorn and the Real Nuts ...

Acorn and the Real Nuts ...

links provided...
How much does this have to go on? I mean come on people, the GOP has done this before, going after ACORN. They hate this group, because what it does is it increases the number of voters. That does two things. First, the more that vote, the more the democrats get favored. And two, it decreases the "play room" for their election rigging schemes that they have used in the past, like with the voting machines or the caging lists.

Now, everyone is going on and on about this group, and most democrats when asked about it look all perplexed when it is brought up because they don't know much about it either. So I felt the need to read through a shitload of stuff after chuging one of those nasty "5 hour energy" shots you get at the gas stations (hey the berry isn't half bad...), and write this post for everyone. So please, bear with me, especially if there are typos, as that crap is kinda jarring regardless of what the bottle says...
I. What is ACORN?
Wikipedia defines ACORN as this...

Their Mission Statement reads as follows...
The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) aims
to organize a majority consituency of low- to moderate-income people
across the United States. The members of ACORN take on issues of
relevance to their communities, whether those issues are
discrimination, affordable housing, a quality education, or better
public services. ACORN believes that low- to moderate-income people
are the best advocates for their communities, and so ACORN's low- to
moderate-income members act as leaders, spokespeople, and
decision-makers within the organization.

II. Has ACORN Been conducting Voter Fraud?
No. No one can point to a single conviction of voting fraud by this organization.Workers have had legal issues, but of course, you don't get paid if you come back empty handed do you? Cases have been tried in places like Florida, but were dismissed due to lack of evidence. The U.S. Attorney Scandal, some time back, occurred after U.S. District attorneys would not raise investigations into claimed fraud (as before, before an election cycle) for lack of evidence. From that link, the Washington Post...
With the home office in Washington breathing down their necks, why
did these experienced prosecutors fail to bring voter fraud
indictments? The crime, after all, had become a major Justice
Department concern. Starting in 2002, Justice required every U.S.
attorney to designate a district election officer, whose job it would
be to end this epidemic of electoral fraud. These officers' attendance
was required at annual training seminars, where they were taught how to
investigate, prosecute and convict fraudulent voters. The statutes were
adequate; the investigators were primed, well funded and raring to go.

nothing happened. For the simple reason that when it comes to voter
fraud in America, there's no there there. Voter fraud is a myth -- not
an urban or rural myth, as such, but a Republican one.

As a result, they were unjustly fired by the GOP. PBS discussed the Fired attorneys, ACORN and voter Caging in one of their programs, if you wish to see more. What you are hearing is speculation, false accusations to mask and falsely justify the real scandal, voter purging, which I discussed before.
Now, in all fairness, there has been one case of Voter Fraud in the U.S. of late. The case of Voter fraud by conservative Ann Coulter. Strangely, neither the GOP nor Republicans have pressed that one very hard...Hmmm.
III. ACORN's Response:
This Audio is the Response to the Campaign against Acorn by Chief Organizer Bertha Lewis...

Acorn is required by law, to turn in all forms, rather they believe them to be fraudulent or not. They do attempt verification, they do and have flagged those that are questionable.
ACORN is calling this, exactly what it has been in the past, a political stunt, for the purpose of voter suppression. It is not just the presidency they fear, many Senate seats are up for grabs as well. And the GOP wants to decrease Democratic turnout and raise doubts regarding Obama wins in key battleground states.
IV. Obama & ACORN:
Yes, Obama was a member. Yes, he donated money to their cause (see mission statement for the reason for that, and remember, they have NEVER been convicted of wrong-doing). Yes they endorse him, since his policies and platform corresponds to their mission statement more than the Republican platform. And finally yes, most of those they register are democrats (but they don't turn down independents, or republicans who wish to register)
Final point I want to make. NO ONE GOES IN THE VOTING BOOTH WITH YOU. So rather they/you sign up as a republican, independent or Democrat, you can still vote however you wish. So what is so bad about registering new voters? I thought that was called a "Democracy".
V. McCain & Acorn:
Why was McCain "for ACORN before he was against it?"

As of recently FOX News, Right Wing talk radio and the right wing
blogosphere have made a concerted effort to discredit and demonize
ACORN (Association of Community Organizers for Reform Now). They have
accused ACORN of voter fraud and of changing voter logs and made ACORN
to seem like a radical untrustworthy organization. However, McCain
attended an ACORN convention just two years ago
. If ACORN was such a
bad organization, why did McCain attend their convention?

VI. Final Note:
If you want to check your status and if you can vote or not, here is a website. It is www.canivote.com.
You can check right now and make sure you haven't been dropped from the voter rolls, and it will tell you where you are expected to go to vote. Please use it to check yourself and those in your family.
And if you want to watch something entertaining and informative related to what is going on regarding the purging, caging and tactics used to disenfrachise Democratic and minority voters, I suggest you watch this movie, here is the 3 minute trailer...

And if I hear one more Republican say ACORN to me I will pummel you with them...Especially if you do so before that 5 hour energy crap wears off.

posted on Oct 14, 2008 5:02 AM ()


Well, the voter fraud part is wrong after last night's headlines, but I cannot see holding political candidates at fault for what private organizations do. I'll bet Obama is every bit as riled as the rest of us that ACORN members in Florida signed up Micky and Minnie Mouse!
comment by dragonflyby on Oct 15, 2008 8:20 AM ()
Wanna bet?
comment by think141 on Oct 14, 2008 4:03 PM ()
John McCain the nut and Sarah Palin the acorn.
Oh!what do I know.
comment by fredo on Oct 14, 2008 9:51 AM ()
next time try some "nut-coffee"
comment by itsjustme on Oct 14, 2008 6:12 AM ()
"Reminds you of what.." I bet you know (btw quick reaction)
comment by itsjustme on Oct 14, 2008 5:49 AM ()
Well said! Great final pic, reminds me.....
comment by itsjustme on Oct 14, 2008 5:39 AM ()

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