You know there are those who call Abortion murder, but calling murder Abortion? What is wrong with these people?! Hannity is a dumbass tool, as is fox news, but still, MY GOD. How much Bullshit does the right have to spew to try and get that Moron McCain elected...
Summary: Jerome Corsi, author of the book, The Obama Nation, falsely claimed on Hannity's America that Sen. Barack Obama said, "Even if a child was born ... the woman still had the right to kill the child in an abortion." Corsi similarly falsely asserted on Hannity & Colmes that "[a]fter a child's born, Obama ... in the [Illinois] state Senate, wanted the child killed if the mother desired an abortion," and on Sean Hannity's radio program, said that "Obama's on record as let's kill the baby if that's what the mother wants." In fact, Obama has never supported giving people the right to kill their children.