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Entertainment > Movies > Landmark Burn Down

Landmark Burn Down

I'm posting what others have said and I have written in defense of that. or offense. I don't even know which one. I just know that it's been a very sad time here right now, haven't been around because there is so much going on. My friend lost her job, three lives are gone....yuck.

peegeegirl wrote:
Posted 2008/08/19
at 6:07 PM ETI have been a resident of Prince George my entire life (26 yrs), and can honestly say that this hotel has seen (much) better days.
It was being used for low income housing, but really seemed more like a shelter. This hotel WAS a landmark - 50 yrs ago, before it was taken over by bikers, drug addicts & prostitutes.
I havent been able to go downtown without being hounded for spare change in some time, and there is little sense of safety.
Though I certainly hope everybody got out of the hotel safe, I have no sympathy for people who are "down and out" because of their own actions or decisions, and cannot feel sorry for the people begging for change to support their habits. The majority of the people who 'hang out' in the downtown core are drug addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes, and the like.
I'm tired of it - tired of this city - tired of everyone feeling sorry for people who are lying in the beds they have made for themselves.
I hope more places like this burn to the ground - afterall, if city counsel can't clean up our city the flames certainly will.
Pass the marshmallows!58People
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Clearly I would NOT agree with this...would you? Who would want to burn down their own town/city? People? Places? My statement is next...

deborra69 wrote:
Posted 2008/08/19
at 8:57 PM ETPeegeegirl, I am ALSO a resident, 38 years thus far. You seem to forget that not only have people lost their spite of what and who you may think they are or how they live and came to be there. [low income] First off, it's not your business or place to judge and certainly is a biased as hell statement if I ever heard one. Have you forgotten the people that have also lost their only source of income? The Columbus was also a place that people worked at. How many people are out of a job?

"Hmmm, maybe they too can join the ranks of 'low income' people and move perhaps to the PG Hotel. Although then they may also be classified as 'bikers', drug dealers' etc who put them SELVES in that position. What a win situation isn't it?

Burn down indeed. You should be ashamed for that comment....roast your own marshmallows on your own time in a pit like everybody else...don't wish something so putrid on so many struggling individuals...both employed AND low income!!27People
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I followed up with this,

"deborra69 wrote:
Posted 2008/08/20
at 10:49 AM ETOne of the ladies who worked at the 'Bus' was Linda. Here's a quote from her she gave to a reporter at the scene.

"Linda Roughton, who came to watch the blaze bundled up in a blanket because she had been at home feeling ill when she heard the news.
"It is a workingman's bar," she said, taking offense to someone in the crowd who referred to the hotel as seedy.
"It was a really good bar to work in. To me it was like an extended family. It just feels so strange and I feel so sorry for the regulars. I wonder where they will get together to meet, now. One guy I remember well was there seven days a week and helped do things around the place. I am really worried about where some people are going to live. Our maintenance man was a great caretaker and he's lost everything because he lived in the hotel."

This is not about 'cleaning the city, 'getting rid of the dealers and users', nor is it about being asked for change everytime you go downtown. The Columbus was HOME to people and a very viable place for many to work. They had a Union, they got pay-raises that would surprise many and they were respected and well liked employees. The owner is not a low-life and respected his employees as well.

Cleaning the downtown core is an absolute criteria for this city and something that should be done and should HAVE been done years ago. What angers me most and the point I myself am making in Peegeegirls comment regarding the fact that if "City Council isn't going to clean the core, fire will...pass the marshmallows.." is the complete disregard and lack of compassion for the people out of work, out of a home, lost their valuables, lives and yes...even a landmark that has been in PG for longer than most people have been alive.

I believe there could have been more tact at such a heartbreaking and frightening time for these people out of work and the newly homeless as well as perhaps a little consideration for the fire fighters still fighting the blaze.

It'd be a wonderful thing to have the downtown be as lovely as it was when I was growing up....but I certainly would.'t want to roast marshmallows on my way to a cleaner downtown.15People
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It hurts my heart that people are this shallow...if you got to here, i give you credit, for now, I cry for the city that last a landmark, the people who lost a job, and mostly for those who have lost their lives and homes...."

posted on Aug 21, 2008 11:10 PM ()


Hi my love-- good blog. You ok? I have been away awhile.
comment by grumpy on Aug 27, 2008 4:02 PM ()

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