I first have to tell you all about this wickedly cool fabulously fantastic site I have saved to my faves. Have for months actually. Mostly I download their games and cleanup your computer software. But TODAY!! Ohe yes, today they have thee GREATEST thing for FREE!! the site is giveawayoftheday.com every single day they give away free software on weekends they give away free games. Not crap either, software that people pay money for on a daily basis.
Todays stuff is too awesome not to share...can you tell the difference?? Picture from the other day and same picture. What's missing? Let's make it a game shall we??

How cute is he?? My lil' Fry-guy AKA Ryley. (I call him Fry-Guy more than I do Ryley, the kid is crazy over McPukes fries and ketchup *burp*)
Why didn't you remove the wire in the background too?