Cristie Miller


Cristie Miller
Visalia, CA
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This Dax Loves To Knit

Fashion & Style > 6 Socks in September

6 Socks in September

I signed up for a knitters challenge to make 6 socks during the month of September ( 3 pair ) Sounded fun, I like socks. I have found what I don't like is a deadline. I did finish all socks.
1st pair were from Cookie A's book - sock innovation. Kai-mai. There were fun to make. They have a lace panel that travels across the foot. They were a little bit of challenge but not so much that it was not fun. I finished them in about 10 days.
2nd pair. I started a pair of toe-up socks from the new book Toe-up a la carte. I had never done the turkish cast on an it took half a day and several different youtube videos for me to catch on. But that was all fine...except I did not do a gauge swatch, this was a yarn I had not used before and about 1/2 the way up the foot I found that it was entirely too big. WHEN WILL I EVER LEARN - as the instructions always say " to save time always make a gauge swatch"
The month was half gone and I now was feeling the pressure of the deadline. I had jury duty and just needed to get something productive done so I decided to make the pair I had planned for my last pair. I had used this yarn, so I just did a plain ribbed sock. ( broke one of my wood double points while waiting for jury duty to start and had to knit the rest of the day with 3 needles.)
3rd pair. I went to plan B, or is it C, lost track. I was tired of socks, want to do other stuff. Last pair was kinda a cheat as I used super bulky wool-ease thick & quick rather then fingering wt sock yarn, but they are still socks.
ALL DONE. I don't know if I will sign myself up for any more challanges as my knitting is more of a relaxation and the deadline thing takes the relaxing out of it.

I took part in Six Sock September!

posted on Sept 25, 2010 7:39 AM ()


I really like those purple socks on the right.
comment by nittineedles on Sept 25, 2010 6:58 PM ()
They're lovely. The pair in the middle could work for old-fashioned Christmas stockings, they'd look so cute hanging from the mantle. To me, knitting is as much about the journey - enjoying the time working on the project - as it is about the destination. Of course, part of this is that I'm still learning and most of my destinations fall short of my expectations.
comment by troutbend on Sept 25, 2010 9:45 AM ()

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