And she looked a lot like me, wearing blue pajama pants and a white t-shirt that says "Too Many Freeks Not Enough Circuses". I have to say she did a fine damn job, even though she wasn't all that attractive in that silly getup.
I am happy the house looks better and is cleaner. I guess I just got into a cleaning mode this morning and went nuts and did a bunch. It all started with cleaning the litterbox, and went from there.
My daughter is supposed to be picked up by her dad this afternoon and taken for her first visitation weekend since August. Let's cross our fingers that he actually shows up, because he bailed on her last weekend.
I am also hoping and praying that he isn't too doped up on his prescription meds to drive unsafely. That is a big concern of her aunt (dad's sister) and me. Think Friend of the Court would do anything about it? Heck, no. He just takes less meds on the day he has to show up.
It does get frustrating when you do your damnedest to what you are supposed to do and then there are all the others out there screwing with your life and not doing what they should be doing. But ya cain't do it for 'em!
So the house is in much better shape and I am tired. I stayed up too late and then got my exercise in this morning. Maybe a nap would be in order. Hmm, I'll have to think about that while I close my eyes on this cuddly
They do a pretty decent job and the cost is decent.