I don't think there could have been a nicer fall day in Michigan. It was sunny, just warm enough, with a breeze to blow the leaves.
R's little cousin was here for a bit so we went outside, walked around in the yard and had her chase the soccer ball. I went with R to take her back to his mom's, and then to shop at Kroger.
It was the first time I have left this house for a week and it was nice to just get out for a little while. This is my favorite time of year and I don't like spending so much of it looking out the window, but that is much of what I must do.
Daughter came home played out but happy enough after going skating and having a sleepover with friends last night. She didn't complain too much about having to go to bed earlier than usual.
I felt in better spirits and didn't even b---- at R today. Just been trying to find my center after my recent physical upheaval. And I gotta say, I don't want to go through this again. The hospital sent home tips on how to prevent another prolapse and I will follow them!
It was a good day.