Number One Googling Sex
The Comical Hat, Wordpress
According to google trends since July 2007 Vietnam has topped the
worldwide charts in searches with the word ’sex’, passing out the likes of
Egypt, India, Morocco and Indonesia to grab ‘pole position’. So what does
this tell us? Um, while it might reflect an increasing and widespread curiosity
for the “bedroom Olympics” (wonder has that term ever been googled…) as well as
perhaps an increase in internet access/ usage, it also tells us how these
googling locals have very basic (and innocent) English skills. Lord knows what
sordid searches folk in the rest of the world are googling but methinks it
often ain’t as simple and straightforward as ’sex’. I mean what country leads
the google searches for ’sheep shagging live webcam’? That, my friends, is the
question… or at least a question.