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When The Messiah Comes

Politics & Legal > Statesman Obama

Statesman Obama

Statesman Obama
The world sees America bumbling about as a rogue nation with no discipline. In a moment the behemoth can set whole continents aflame, or crush all hope for an economically secure future with justice.
Barack Obama offers hope to the world. Even before he set a foot in Asia he had come to an agreement to propose a 16-month systematic withdrawal from Iraq.
The lunatic right howls at the loss of their chances for continued war profiteering. They accuse Obama of consorting with the enemy. The common people wanting to stop the bloodshed, I remember them as the folks we invaded to help.
Throughout the conflict McCain looks like a Handi-Wipe gone wrong. He has the lost look of the last of his Party to run for President.

posted on July 20, 2008 9:18 AM ()


You and the groups I mentioned are fixated on a single perspective and you work tirelessly to spread that perspective. Media, politics and education have an overpowering voice in Western society. When polls set out to measure the opinions of the people what they actually measure is how the factors of media, politics and education have effected the perspectives of the masses.

When the cavalry arrives we may describe them as attackers or as rescuers. The media/education/Democrat complex describes them as the villains everytime: boots on the ground, helicopter gunships, child killers and oil thieves and the list goes on...
If the same energy was expended to put the U.S. in a positive light as is expended by the hateful Left we'd be recognized for our compassion and willingness to spend our blood and money to relieve the suffering of all the People's of the world.
comment by think141 on July 22, 2008 8:30 AM ()
"The world sees..." and that entire inflametory sentence is the reason the world sees an ugly distortion of American reality. Drooling proagandists like yourself, Leftist media, educators, and politicians all work diligently at spreading these distortions. Or maybe I'm wrong and you are just a dupe who's been sucked into the mirage like Ekyp who, I believe, is authentic in playing his role of useful idiot.
comment by think141 on July 21, 2008 7:41 AM ()

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