Four Millions Yearly Income Qualifies as Middle Class
by JC Garrett, www.opednews.com
At the "Saddleback Civil Forum" on Saturday, Pastor Rick Warren asked questions of both Barack Obama and John McCain about their views and what their respective presidencies would be like.
Warren asked Obama what the dividing line would be between the "rich" and the "middle class." Obama responded that he wanted a fair tax structure that didn't allow the richest among us to enjoy more tax breaks than the poor and middle class. He said that people making $250,000 per year were in the top 3 or 4 percent, and they were "pretty well-off." He said that under his tax plan, those making less than $150,000 per year would actually get a tax cut, while those making more than that would see a modest tax increase.
When asked the same question, McCain gave his standard answer: "I don't want to raise taxes on anybody." When pressed for an answer that was actually responsive to the question, McCain said that if it were to be decided solely on income, "rich" would be "around $5 million."
Yeah, that would definitely be "rich." I suppose that means McCain would consider someone who only makes $4 million a year to be middle class.