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Jobs & Careers > Military > Russian Roulette What the Media Doesn't Say

Russian Roulette What the Media Doesn't Say

Russian Roulette [photos at my site]

With the Georgian government reporting that Tbilisi
International Airport has been bombed and that 6,000 Russian troops have
entered its territory along with a further 4,000 landing in Abkhazia, A Fistful
of Euros says that Moscow was well prepared for a conflict over South Ossetia.
Indeed, the blog asks, was Georgia


Calmness in Gori]

       Regional Reporters [RU] reports that calmness has
descended on the Georgian town of Gori
following bombing raids by Russian jets. However, the blog says that bread is
in short supply and some shops have none at all.



       Regional Reporters [RU] says that despite an air
raid on Kutaisi which has meant local residents
no longer gather in the city center, parks and markets of Georgia's second largest city, thousands turned
out to attend a protest action against Russia's military action.



Peace Corps Evacuation]

       With the evacuation of foreign citizens in Georgia
now underway, B & C Go To Georgia reports that Peace Corps Volunteers are
being moved and might be evacuated to Armenia [Note: Some PCVs are already
being evacuated]. Meanwhile, Sound and Fury says that it is concerned about the
local girlfriend of a brother based in Telavi. The blog reminds its readers
that Russian army is not renowned for its human rights record.


[South Ossetia: Appeal to
Russian Officers and Soldiers]

       Dnevnik Slavyanina [Russian] makes a pacifist appeal
to Russian officers and soldiers to disobey orders and abandon the war in South Ossetia in order not to be forced into committing
war crimes: "Let the Caucasian peoples solve their own problems!"


 [South Ossetia: Who Supplies Georgia With

       LJ user dizainer [Russian] reposts a list - from the
Russian Defence Ministry - of which countries are supplying Georgia with
military materiel and what these are. A comment asks that if there is no
military embargo on Georgia,
why is not a list of car suppliers posted as well?


 [South Ossetia: Western Media

       LJ user exzzzorcist summarizes a discussion in the
Russian blogosphere, claiming that the widely circulated photos by Reuters are
fakes or staged, as part of a Western information campaign against Russia.


Armenian Economic Concerns]

       The Armenian Economist comments on the military
confrontation between Georgia
and Russia noting that 96
percent of Armenia's
trade goes via its northern neighbor. The blog says that Armenia will
suffer as a result and concludes that it is now effectively blockaded on all


Stop Russian Aggression]

       Writing on the newly renamed Peace in Georgia, Diana
Chachua calls for immediate action from the international community. The
blogger says that if the European Union and NATO tolerates Russian military
action in Georgia
"your country can be next."


Foreign Ministry Joins the Blogosphere]

       Osteuropablog [German] reports that the Georgian
Foreign Ministry appears to have joined the blogosphere with its MFA Georgia
blog in English, since the Ministry website has gone down due to cyberattacks.


[South Ossetia: Information
blackout of Russian views?]

       Remetalk's Journal [Russian] writes about the
information blackout Russian officials feel they are experiencing when trying
to get their message through in Western media. As one Foreign Ministry official
said: "We would like it if Western TV-screens showed not only Russian
tanks, not only reports on how Russia brought troops onto South Ossetian
territory, that Russia is at war with Georgia, but also the suffering of the
Ossetian people - dead elderly and children - villages razed to the ground, a
Tskhinvali destroyed to the last stone."


 [South Ossetia:
What's next, Nagorno-Karabach or Nakhchivan? ]

       Michael J. Totten draws a parallel between the
Russian-Georgian conflict in South Ossetia and
Abchazia with the potential for resumed Azeri-Armenian conflicts over
Nagorno-Karabach or Nakchivan.



posted on Aug 11, 2008 2:29 AM ()

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