New Noor Tee Shirts
Arabeyes, Global Voices
I was at the mall the other day and I saw these kids’ t-shirts featuring Noor and Mohannad, the stars of the ultra-popular Turkish soap opera currently dominating airtime on Arab TVs, and I thought “You’ve GOT to be kidding me!â€
It’s one thing to be fascinated by the characters or the plot of the story as an adult (you’re old enough to decide for yourself what to like and what to dislike, and if you ask me you’ve got poor taste in drama if you like Noor, but whatever), but to have children wear pictures of some actors who play mature roles is beyond unacceptable. The trouble is that children, especially young girls, are captivated by the show as well, due to the influence of the adults in their families or through peer pressure. This is sick and it says a lot about the depravity of our society.
What would she think of Miss Buffalo Chip?