Should the USA Nationalize the Oil Industry?
By Professor Emeritus Peter Bagnolo [excerpts]
The MSM journalists all seemed to simply repeat the material given them, either ignoring reality, or ignorant, unknowing, that the post production price of gasoline, including delivery per gallon, is and has remained below three cents a gallon (Roughly $00.88-$1.49 a barrel. That is 89 cents to one dollar and 49 cents a BARREL) FOR years.
In Iraq before the "war", the so-called "evil empire," sold gasoline at $00.05 per gallon retail at the pump, to Iraqi citizens, Yes, five cents a gallon. 

In Venezuela, the oil in not so sweet. Because of its viscosity, it costs a few cents more to process out the gunk, so they have to sell it at the inflated price of $00.12 a gallon at the pump, to Venezuelan citizens. 

In Iran and Syria, the President's next targets, oil at the pumps is selling for what a candy bar costs in America. So, there appears to be a formula here; if you sell oil at dirt cheap prices, Mr. Bush, egged-on by his oily bed-fellows, and fellow investors, will attack you and take your cheap oil away to sell at 25,500 times as much at the pump.
So, then, why was ours selling at $4.65 a gallon? What a stupid question, ask the "Christian," "messianic" president that question! You know the fellow (GW BUSH) who when he got into Yale on his daddies "Discretionary Family History at Yale, Points for Ease of Entry", apron strings, allegedly, wrote a paper in which he said, "...the poor are so because they are lazy..." What, then are the middle class, just slightly less lazy than the poor, or just far, far, less greedy than the rich?
It's easy to explain America's high oil prices. Bush would say, "We have to raise the price because the American and Brit oil companies wish to protect their countrymen against deflation, while the Iraqi and Venezuelan government wants to expose their citizens to deflation, isn't that terrible, how they treat their people?" Well, that makes sense if you have a pea brain. Whoops, who else would vote for a Conservative Republican nowadays?
EOX and Shell Oil blasted Maxine Waters for even suggesting the nationalization of the oil companies. They mocked Hugo Chavez and the Venezuelans for paying 12 cents per gallon at the pump.