Making Sacrifices for Personal Freedom
Comment By Khalid, Ravings of Sandmonkey
• Khalid Says:
February 14th, 2008 at 4:52 am
Cowboy #11 We leave our countries and out root ourselves and immigrate to America seeking freedom not for someone to tell us that if you open our mouth and excercise our freedom and rights of speech we should pack and go.
No my American buddy,you will not take our freedom away because we have sacrificed a lot by leaving our beloved countries seeking freedom. If I wanted more money I will be in Saudi Arabia not America but, I will be making three times more what I make here in the United States. I chose America because it is the land of the free.
No one is packing and leaving anywhere,we will remain here and enjoy our freedom to say what we want to say and express our opinions.We the good citizens of the United States of America, the hard working people who pay their taxes and contribute to this country deserve our freedom of speech and our constitutional rights, we earned it and paid the price for it.
If you can’t live by the laws of this country and respect our rights then you are the one who has a problem and need to settle with yourself and survive.