McCain Assumes Traitor and Surrender
Monkey Roles
KQuarksSuperKollider comments on
McBush is amazing. McBush calls 0bama a neophyte on all
things foreign policy now he is agreeing with 0bama's timetable for withdraw
from Iraq
when 0bama has been saying this for his whole campaign. Last week he agreed
with 0bama on redeploying more troops to Afghanistan after 0bama had said
that for months. What's next McBush is going to want to have talks with Iran. I would
say it's time to celebrate but the media will make McBush seem like the one who
was right before 0bama was and keep on harping on the surge when questioning
0bama when 0bama was right on all the major foreign policy strategies. McBush
basically got free reign to call 0bama a traitor for not wanting to win the war
and being called a surrender monkey by trolls.