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When The Messiah Comes

Politics & Legal > Mccain Talks the Wife Beater About Women

Mccain Talks the Wife Beater About Women

McCain Talks As a Wife Beater Berating Women
Chris Kelly, HuffPo

Let's recap the reasons the ads say not to vote for Barack Obama:
-He visits the troops.
-Political analysts like him -- except for the ones who don't.
-Tens of Millions of Americans have been inspired by his campaign.
-He draws huge crowds, not only here in America but in the capital cities of our allies, where he also enjoys the respect and admiration of their democratically-elected leaders.
Just like Paris Hilton.
Let's recap the reasons the ads say to vote for John McCain:
-He's sarcastic.

Where do I sign up?
There's only one thing John McCain hates more than popular sentiment, popular culture and overwhelming popular support, and that's elitists.
Here's what John McCain says about his new campaign theme, "Idealism Makes Me Laugh" --
Republican John McCain on Friday defended his campaign's new Web ad mocking Barack Obama as a presumptuous messianic figure, saying it was important to "display a sense of humor" in the presidential contest ... "I don't think our campaign is negative in the slightest," McCain said. "We think it's got a lot of humor in it, we're having fun and enjoying it ..."
McCain's ad campaign does have a lot of humor in it, but it's not the kind of humor you generally hear from a candidate about voters. It's the kind of humor you usually hear from a wife beater about women.
People keep comparing John McCain's humor to Bob Dole's. We're supposed to accept their vicious, ceaseless, fixer's fatalism as a kind of manly candor. Sure, they turned their war wounds into public office, and public office into a trough, but that's because it's an ugly world out there. Grown-ups know that politics are a con job and government exists to do favors for its friends and send the poor to die.
You gotta laugh.
At least Bob Dole could appreciate Britney Spears.

posted on Aug 3, 2008 1:07 AM ()


But it is hard not to notice the evocative, non-political sideshows that will literally surround McCain's speech. As the presumptive nominee takes the stage, the "Ringin' Wet & Wild" women's wrestling event will be taking place on the main amphitheater. Two hours before then, the "Miss Buffalo Chip Beauty Pageant - Bikinis on the Beach" will be staged at a different venue. That affair is described by ESPN's Jim Caple as "essentially a topless beauty pageant. And occasionally bottomless, too."
comment by bumpedoff on Aug 4, 2008 1:29 AM ()

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