Listen to Rush Limbaugh
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"Listen to Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Bill O'Reilly,
Sean Hannity, and all the other right-wing bloviators. They absolutely deny
that anything's seriously wrong with the economic policies Bushand his pals
have pursued and refer to those who do see the truth and try to warn of what's
coming as various kinds of idiots, morons, whackos, loonies, and Chicken
Littles. These people have millions of fawning, eagerly believing listeners,
viewers, and readers who blindly accept their every word without question like
it's Holy Gospel. If America
is going to avert catastrophe, it can only happen if there is unity of purpose.
We are nowhere near to that. Half this country can't even be bothered to vote
in a Presidential election, and of the 54% who do vote, (allegedly)half voted
twice to install the biggest gang of thieves, thugs, crooks, shysters, and
whores in history into the halls of power. Reversing that kind of firmly
entrenched, bone-deep stupidity would be difficult in the best of
circumstances. With the likes of Limbaugh, Coulter, O'Reilly, and Hannity et
al, reinforcing it daily, it is pretty much impossible. America had a
great run. The good news is, the globalist New World Order the neocons are
creating will eventually collapse- it may take decades, it may take centuries,
but collapse it eventually will, and we will leave a detailed record of how our
economy's destruction came to be so that hopefully future generations can learn
from our mistakes."