Who's Lying? John McCain or Andrea Mitchell?
by BarbinMD, Daily Kos
Tue Jul 29, 2008 at 06:59:07 PM PDT
From John McCain's appearance last night on Larry King Live, when asked about Barack Obama's cancelled visit to Landstuhl:
KING: Why do you think he didn't go?
MCCAIN: I have no idea except that I know that according to reports that he wanted to bring media people and cameras and his campaign staffers...
That's not spin, that's a blatant, outright lie, and John McCain knows it's a lie. Here is what Andrea Mitchell had to say about the claim that Obama planned to bring cameras and the press:
That literally is not true...Now the point is, Obama had no intention of bringing any cameras with him. I was there, I can vouch for that...he wasn't planning to bring an entourage...
Here is a prominent member of the media saying that John McCain's words are literally not true (what we on my planet call a lie), so what we have is McCain not only disparaging Barack Obama's commitment to the troops, which the media will ignore as "politics," but with his words McCain is also calling Andrea Mitchell a liar. Will the media ignore this attack on one of their own? And by the way, if Andrea Mitchell's word isn't good enough, I understand that there were a few other reporters on the trip that could settle the question: Who's lying? John McCain or Andrea Mitchell?