Of Goats & Men, or A Typical Accra Scene...
is a car waiting for goats or sheep to cross. I don't think that is necessarily a reflection of the patience that Ghanaians are supposed to have, but certainly a good measure of some of it?
I've met a number of taxi drivers, however, who have revved the engine, attempting not just to scare them off, but really to knock them down! I guess there are homicidal tendencies everywhere!
I guess ultimately, it depends on the type of person you are. As a dog lover and dog-owner, I cannot stomach any dog being maltreated. I really wish middle-class Ghanaians would take better care of them as a starter! (That's for another day!)
Enjoy your weekend...
posted by Emmanuel.K.Bensah, Blogspot
They don't cross roads.
Nobody crosses the road the drivers deadly.