Never Give the Rascals a Free
President Bush has been a "total
failure" in everything from the economy to the war to energy policy, House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi said. Is she surprised at this?
Until I see evidence to the contrary, my working
hypothesis is the current regime has evidence of criminality against many
Congressmen. Blackmail and bribery lie at the bottom of this. The FBI must have
much of the information involved in this. The FBI presented Bush with 423,000
pages of evidence, which he turned over to McCain. Can we find one patriot who
will publish these pages?
Any Congressman who voted for toture, preemptive
war, the Military Commissions Act etc is guilty of crimes against humanity. Can
we find a judicial system willing to prosecute them?
Impeachment is fine and dandy with me. Putting
Rove in prison for contempt would tickle me pink. The point is to let everyone
know that someday some way he will be brought to book for his crimes.
by jbpaz