Wesley Clark is a Sissy
Our generals are toads. Adept at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory, they will bend over for anybody who gives them a load on. They massacre women and children, but avoid anybody who fights back.
Wesley should know better than to tackle a Republican protected by the smear machine. It is a case of eat or be eaten. If a general isn't prepared to destroy the enemy, it's a sucker play to begin hostilities.
Wes went crying to Netroots Nation in Austin.
"There is just no other way to say it," said Clark. "Someone said to me 'This is a playbook operation by the right wing freak machine, the great freak show where they take a statement, distort it, blast it out of context and make it personal. They are so good at it they did all three steps in three hours and you fought back and I'm grateful for you from the bottom of my heart.'"