Maxine Waters Our Champion to Nationalize Oil Production
Your post inspired me to look up how far America has
progressed in oil company nationalization. Maxine Waters [D-CA] asked a Shell Oil
exec. "If we open the offshore areas to exploration, can you guarantee lower
prices?" The exec gave her the runaround.
Then, she suggested socialization [she had a
block]. He answered that Hugo Chavez had done that. Everyone seemed to mock
her. Since she hadn't read your article, she didn't mention 12-cent gasoline in Venezuela.
To me it showed how dummied down we are. Of
course, we should nationalize oil production facilities, throw the execs in
jail and devote oil revenues to alternative energy sources.
While progressives discuss the finer points, I
would lower the price to 30 cents [18 cents for the Federal Highway tax].
by Jason