What Year Is This? |
Doublespeak is worse than
Special Edition of Sawdusttx
Set your clocks back: it is 1984!!!!! Goerge Orwell lives!!!
Doublespeak has arrived!!!!
7/18/2008, tonight this was reported in a story on MSNBC.com:
two leaders agreed
that improvements in security should allow for the negotiations "to
include a general time horizon for meeting aspirational goals,
such as the resumption of Iraqi security control in their cities and provinces
and the further reduction of U.S.
combat forces from Iraq,"
the White House said. "
bold and italics are mine. This article attempts to make clear that these two leaders are trying to make clear (????) that a general time horizon is not a time schedule for a troop withdrawl. Got that? Well, I
know what it is NOT, but just what in the world is it, exactly? And
who, exactly do these two leaders think they are leading?
would someone please tell me WHAT THE HELL an aspirational goal is? I thought aspirating was something you did into a
mask in the hospital.
What few marbles were rolling around on the floor of the Executive
Branch have been lost completely. I have said it before on this blog and I will
say it again:
The government thinks we are stupid and we let them get away with
A retired sales ad
marketing trainer, escapee from the automobile business, who reads vorciously
and writes whenever possible. The rest of the available time is spent doing
woodworking or cooking. Lives in central TX, where the weather is great and
politics are dubious. Usually logical and sensible but can be very cranky when
assaulted by anybody leaning too far to the right and doesn't know it.