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Politics & Legal > Defeat is the Only Way Out of Afghanistan

Defeat is the Only Way Out of Afghanistan

Defeat is the Only Way Out of Afghanistan

US Chasing Osama in FATA?

By The Pakistani Spectator • Aug 1st,
2008 • Category: Politics • (3,730 views) • 5 Comments

Is there any man
or woman in the Government of Pakistan who could stand up and tell United States
and its allies that, ‘Osama does not exist any more’ as reportedly claimed by
Benazir Bhutto. Zaradri led government including Musharaf are so weak,
compromised and scared of the US that they are in hurry as some one said,
“Visit US before it visits you’. Well if US want to visit FATA then ‘so be it.
Some people say let Yankees have a feel because people are not Red Indians
here. US must get out of the mess not drown in it?

Pakistan’s relations with the US should be ‘SOLID BUT NOT
SLAVISH’. Many say, ‘US don’t like history lessons from British and do things
differently, one can only pray for humanity’. One Afghan leader said, ‘there
are thousands ways to enter Afghanistan
but there is only one-way out and that is ‘defeat’. Be it today tomorrow or day
after tomorrow. Sir Hilary Synot told a gathering at International Institute of
Strategic Studies in London something like, ‘some one asked me do you know
Afghan experts, I said, ‘well there are many but unfortunately they are all
dead’. Those young 19th century British experts of Afghanistan and FATA left huge treasures of
information, which might be lying, in the basements of Foreign and Commonwealth
Office in London?
But Americans don’t like history lessons or don’t like history at all?

If ex ISI informer Hamid Karzai thinks Pakistan is not a true friend of Afghanistan then he should take his 2.5 million
Afghan refugees back to Afghanistan
living in Pakistan
for thirty years. Seal the Pak – Afghan border become a proper President. There
seems to be an element of mistrust and suspicion from the US side perhaps the US and allies are listening more to
the Indian military advisors than they should. Many say, ‘Hamid Karzai is
running Afghanistan
like a Kebab shop where Indian halal meat is served with American alcohol as
Vodka was banned long time ago’.

In 2008 Osama Bin Laden seems is like Iraqi WMDs, which
does not exist any more and every one has forgotten about them? It does sounds
like movies in which bad guys place a dead body in some one’s house and then
prosecute the whole family for murder. Search for Osama in freezing K2
Mountains is like searching an elephant in a dark room by a blind man.
Especially when one knows he does not exist anymore? Osama is a ghost salesman
of Arms dealers, a trump card to blackmail states. As reported CIA keep tab on
the health of the world leaders by urine testing and definitely keep DNA and
fingerprints especially when they go for official receptions and tours etc.

Keeping in view the reports about Osama’s severe kidney
problems and dialysis requirements it is highly unlikely for him to survive for
long time. Even with the kidney transplant survival rate of the patient is very
low and time frame is short in normal circumstances keeping in view the use of
rejection drugs and severely weak immune system? Unless one is kept in a
sophisticated high class renal unit of a big hospital with latest medical
equipment and guaranteed power supply. It is impossible to have that kind of
facility anywhere in the whole region including border areas of Pakistan and K2
mountains. Many analysts believe Osama is no more. If he is alive he will be
arrested or found just before US elections in 2008. Well he has been helping
Bush by releasing messages at times whenever his ratings were down?

There is another report which Bruce Boyle wrote on 30th
December 2007, “By the way, I heard this from a call-in on C-span, and have not
directly checked this out, “that in an interview with a famous British
probably, Jewish journalist David Frost Benazir Bhutto said that Osama, ‘Bin
Laden was assassinated at the end of 2002″ and “claimed she knew who did it,
when, and how,” and suggested that the subsequent bin Laden videos and audio
tapes (reportedly “released by Al Qaeda”) are, in fact, “high tech constructs
and slick patch jobs produced by a third party.”

Every one knows that about the complete US intelligence
failure on September 11, 2001 and who benefited out of those terrorists
atrocities. Major beneficiary are Arms industry including a complete hold on
huge job cuts at the Pentagon, which was due in September 2001. Criminals of
September 11, 2001 incidents must be brought to justice in the court of law. Afghanistan was bombed and converted in rubble
in search of one man created by the US to fight with the Soviets.

Interestingly when allies and US were sending arms to
Afghans they were also sending payment invoices to the Saudis and Arab
countries. It was not a bad deal at all, Afghans and US sponsored Muslim
Mujahidin’s from all over the world were dying in Afghanistan to win the Cold War?
Wars are also known to be good business and Americans are good at it.

In WWI 1914- 1918, according to available data 50,000 US
soldiers lost their lives as compare to 500,000 British soldiers who were
mostly from the colonies, France lost 1 million and Germany 1.2 millions. The
estimated total allied costs were US $20 trillions + US $ 81 billions.

In 1913 just before the war started the total GDP of the US was US
$39000 millions, which, by 1918 at the end of WWI rose up to US $770100
millions. In 1914 total value of US gold reserves was US $1526 millions; by
1918 the gold reserves valued were US $ 2873 millions.

Total expanses of WWII between September 1939 – August 1945
were US $925000 millions, United States US $335,000 millions, Germany US
$272000 millions, Britain US $120,000 millions, Italy US $94000 millions, Japan
US $56000 millions and France US $ 15000 millions.

It is important to remember that under the US law of ‘Land
and Lease’, it provided loans to the war partners and received back with
interests. US
arms dealers become rich and richer. In 1937 US
gold reserves were valued US $12390 millions and after three years of the war
the gold reserves were valued US $24399 millions, the reason of this miraculous
growth was because war partners including Britain had to pay in gold to pay
off their debts.

If we look at the current rise in the oil and gold prices
one can easily understand what is really going on. US
companies have started signing with contracts with the Iraqis recently for more
explorations not to mention Haliburtons moving its HQs in Dubai. It sounds like Iraqis and Afghanis are
going to pay for the bombs dropped on them too?

About Author:

Shahid Qureshi is senior award wining investigative journalist and writer on
security, foreign policy, and terrorism based in London – email: ukcorrespondent@hotmail.com)


posted on Aug 1, 2008 2:43 PM ()

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