A Comment from Patriot in Texas
Free Republic
The chat that followed rapidly over the next few
minutes was avidly anti-Clinton but fairly innocuous until, 10 seconds after 5
a.m., patriot of texas submitted the following post:
If he keeps on he's going to
make me come up there. There is only one solution to the Klintons, two 45
rounds and a nice little spot in Marcy Park.
Fort Marcy Park, in McLean,
Va., is where former Clinton confidant and White House attorney
Vince Foster was found dead in 1993 after an apparent suicide. The reaction was
swift -- and angry -- from those posting responses.
At 5:08 a.m., AlGone2001 wrote, "You need to stop
posting that kind of trash -- you make us all look like fools. Begone! I want
you to [know] flat out that I reported your post as abuse." At 5:10 a.m.,
shivas2 wrote, "That is not even close to being funny -- watch what
threats you throw around patriot," adding, "God can't wait to take
care of this little creep and his wife." And at 5:12 a.m., poster Myers
asked, "Have you lost your mind?" Seconds later, Cagey wrote,
"Goodbye disruptor. Abuse reported."
At 5:13 a.m., Gracchus wrote: "You're either a
sicko or a disruptor. I hope you have a nice chat with some Secret Service
By 5:25 a.m., after repeated criticism, patriot in
texas was back, meekly apologizing, "Sorry, only kidding," and a
minute later posting, "It wasn't a threat, it was frustration!!" And
then, responding to Myers, patriot in texas wrote: "Yes, I lost my mind
and Klinton made me do it."
After continued bashing from fellow posters, patriot
in texas wrote:
Thanks, I apologize to
everyone, I did'nt realize it would be taken so litteral. I really am no threat
and have no intention of being. Do you think the SS will really visit me? I
din't think Klinton still had SS protection since he has no statis. I really
hope I did no harm to the site, that would really hurt me.