Mass Destruction on the Cheap
There is big money in selling our nuclear secrets and
hardware. Anybody can destroy Manhattan
for $40,000,000. FBI, State Department and Pentagon workers must be sorely
The government does all it can to discourage whistle blowers
on this subject. The suppression of Sibel Edmonds, for example, was so complete
nobody has followed in her footsteps.
The latest biowar weapons are much improved. They can eliminate big populations
at a cost of $1 per victim. This brings the costs of killing way down. [In Vietnam we
spent upwards of $300,000 to kill one Viet Cong.]
Easy delivery some of the new weapons fit inside a suitcase. So, the
perpetrator can kill millions and nobody will know he did it [unless he e-mails
a confession].
The genie is out of the bottle so to speak. God help us.