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When The Messiah Comes

Politics & Legal > How Barack Can Blow It

How Barack Can Blow It

How to Blow it



How many Democrats does it take
to lose the most easily winnable election in American history? Not many. Just a
few "
close advisers" to Barack Obama who tell him a bunch of
asinine stuff and he ends up listening to them instead of his own heart. As the
party hacks in the past two elections have proven, once they get the
candidate's ear, the rest of us might just as well order pizza and stay inside
for the next four years.

 Keep saying nice things about McCain. Like how he's been
"good on global warming" and campaign finance. Keep reminding a
country at war that he and he alone is a war hero. Not to mention an all-round
good guy. Say that enough and what happens? The same thing that happens when
you repeat over and over,
"Apply directly to the forehead" ~  people start to
believe it! You've sold them on the idea that McCain isn't a bad egg, and they
do not hear the rest of what you have
say: "
But John
McCain is four more years of  George W Bush "

So if you want to help elect McCain, keep blessing him as if
he were the white knight who accidentally hopped on the wrong horse.
Forget to continually point out that
he is truly up to no good.
Keep pulling your punches. Don't remind people McCain wants
to help the oil companies even more than Bush did. Don't bring up that he wants
to outlaw all abortion. Back away from painting McCain as the guy who thinks
it's a good idea to stay in Iraq
until pigs fly. That way, if you keep praising him, you can send a mixed
message to the less-informed who are simply not going to figure it out. When
they walk into a voting booth, they will see two names on the ballot:

· Barack Obama
· War Hero

Trust me, this ain't Sweden. War Hero wins every

Show up to a gunfight with a peashooter. Convince yourself that the
Republicans are just going to roll over and play dead because there is simply
no life left in their party. Convince yourself this one is in the

 Convince yourself that if you play by the rules, the
Republicans will, too
. And when McCain and his people roll out their nuclear
arsenal on you, just go all sweet and sensitive and logical. Believe that the
truth shall prevail, that good people will see what the Republicans are up to.
As they smear you, your family, your religious beliefs - cower, back down, go
on the defensive.
Heck, if they don't like your new I'm-running-for-president
logo, denounce it, apologise for it, and fire the person who designed it

 But don't stop there. Be ready to jump and change
anything at a moment's notice. If they ask you to stand on your head and do the
hokey-pokey, snap to it and do it with a smile on your face and don't forget to
apologise for not doing the hokey-pokey earlier, you meant no disrespect and
please don't take it as any indication that you do not love your country, your
flag, and your Christian God.

Do all of that, and then listen for that sound - the sound of your supporters
shuffling away in silence
. Don't worry, though - they won't vote for McCain. They'll
just stop showing up at the campaign headquarters over on Maple Street. They'll say they're too
busy to go on another three-hour door-to-door literature drop. They'll still
take a list of a hundred voters home to call and read the index card over the
phone about
"why you should vote for Obama" - but there won't be much
enthusiasm in their voice, and the voter on the other end of the line will hear

 After 15 or 20 calls, they'll give up - after all,
there's dishes to do and a dog to walk. And on election day they'll go do their
duty and vote, but they will not be up at 6am driving around the city picking
up strangers who need a ride to the polls.

 We can't take four more years of this madness. We need you to be a candidate who
will fight back every time they attack you. Actually, don't even wait till you
have to fight back.
Fight first ! Show some vision and courage and smoke them out.
Take the offensive.
asking why these lobbyists are McCain's best friends.
Let's finally have a Democrat who's got the balls to
fire first.

Allen L Roland https://blogs.salon.com/0002255/2008/08/12.html

Freelance Online columnist and psychotherapist Allen
L Roland is available for comments, interviews,
speaking engagements and private consultations    ( allen@allenroland.com
Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist,
author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on
his weblog and website allenroland.com He also guest hosts a
monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on  www.conscioustalk.net



posted on Aug 12, 2008 8:36 PM ()


You commented on my last post but not where I could reply. So here is my reply to your comment on my blog:

Bumpedoff, That is your opinion and belief not mine!! What I would like to know is how someone like yourself could be for Ron Paul and Obama??? The two are so completely different!! Like I said McCain is not my choice for the Republican nomination but he has it and he is the lesser of the two evils in my opinion and belief. I can't believe that there are those that are so taken with Obama. What I do see is he is falling out of favor with people left and right. Maybe it could be that they are seeing through him finally!!
comment by texastar on Aug 12, 2008 10:09 PM ()
Obama is the man.Laurie
comment by dogsalot on Aug 12, 2008 8:51 PM ()

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