Joe Palen


Joe Palen
Eugene, OR
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Life & Events > Joe, the Engineer Speaks

Joe, the Engineer Speaks

In defense of Joes, some of whom may not like to be linked with "Joe the Plumber", I felt called on to speak up. The Republican (probable "plant") Joe who is getting all the attention and T-shirts has been spouting quite extreme right wing talking points during his fame 15 min. (x10), I am concerned about the guilt by association tag, so useful in relating Obama to a college professor who used to be a violent resistor during Viet Nam and thereby tarring him a "terrorist". Not wanting to be tarred a wing-nut (Carvel's term not mine), I hereby state that I am not Joe the Plumber! For one thing, I am a licensed engineer, while I hear that the other Joe has NO license (along with this revelation we find that the business Joe was "thinking about" buying had stated worth of $250,000 but really was worth more like $100,000, and in either case the taxable profits would be far less than than the Obama tax increase limit. Joe, himself earned more like $40,000 a year, and as he later admitted, he would get a tax decrease under Obama - as anyone could find by going to the Obama Tax Calculator on the web.). So perhaps "Joe the Pretender" would be a better moniker - hold up on those T-Shirts!. Meantime John McCain continues to talk about Joe the Plumber, so I suppose they must have found another guy named Joe, who actually is a licensed plumber - this would not be hard to do, but finding one who is a right winger might be harder, since I hear the plumbers' unions are endorsing Obama. If Obama needs a Joe the Engineer(retired), I will be standing ready to serve - need a T-shirt?

posted on Oct 17, 2008 3:14 PM ()


comment by ekyprogressive on Oct 18, 2008 5:04 AM ()
comment by strider333 on Oct 17, 2008 10:11 PM ()
Seems like these kinds of stunts always backfire. You'd think they'd learn.
comment by troutbend on Oct 17, 2008 7:36 PM ()

-from "Joe the Artist."
comment by jondude on Oct 17, 2008 6:05 PM ()

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