Joe Palen


Joe Palen
Eugene, OR
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-and You Will Find-

Life & Events > 1) Defense of Well-dressed Hockey Mom 2) the B

1) Defense of Well-dressed Hockey Mom 2) the B

Couple of news article I got tempted to comment on.

1) Although, I paid less for my present house than Sarah Palin paid for her campaign clothes (and still owe $40,000 on it), I do think the shopping was necessary given the circumstances. You cannot hob-knob with wives of the billionaire Republican supporters wearing dresses from Target. While Joe Six Pack does not know the difference, you can bet most of the Republican wives can spot and name a designer at 100 yards. So hey, give her a break, they live in a different world. Hey, Joe SP, you're welcome over here with all us regular folks. By the way, I hear that Joe the Plumber WAS a plant.

2) The backwards B on the face of the latest faker is a hoot!. While I have to admire the courage (unless she was drunk) to scratch her own face, I have to laugh that she must have done it in a mirror (so of course it came out backwards - well,she IS a Texas A&M Aggie[editor's note: nope, it is Blinn College in the same town]). [After looking more closely at the photograph she supplied, it looks like all makeup to me - I have seen black eyes and that one looks like mascara - if real, the eye would be bloodshot - well glad she did not hurt herself!] No, there are no Obama hoods out there assaulting and branding defenseless women. And I sincerely hope the McCain campaign is not so desperate as to put people up to such things!

posted on Oct 24, 2008 1:27 PM ()


Well, McCain's camp came up with Joe the Plumber so I wouldn't be surprised if this goofy gal with the self-mutilation was another one of their bright ideas.
comment by troutbend on Oct 29, 2008 10:00 AM ()
The McCain lawn and curb signs far outnumber Obama-Biden signs here in Republiland. But many Obama-Biden signs are being snatched away in the night. I haven't read a police report in the newspaper of any McCain signs going missing, so that says a lot about the kind of people who believe if a sign is stolen it will make a difference on election day. I don't have signs in my lawn, but do have a sticker on my trunk lid that reads: OBAMA-BIDEN 2008. I hope they don't steal my car.
comment by jondude on Oct 25, 2008 6:32 AM ()
Looks like there are plenty of crazies on both sides !!!???
comment by oldfatguy on Oct 24, 2008 5:38 PM ()

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