Prince De Silva Ayes


Prince De Silva Ayes
Reston, VA
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Life & Events > Relationships > Oneness


Somehow, somewhere during sometime in the future,
All of us have to realize our interconnectedness. Despite the efforts of many belials who would cause and pursue wars to keep us separate from one another.
DNA science has proven time and time again that we are all genetically connected to one another. It makes sense doesn't it? Especially since we are from the same planet.
There are other interconnections that we must realize.
90 percent of our bodies are comprised of water. In a big way we are all connected to the waters that cover this planet. If we continue to corrupt and pollute those waters we in turn will corrupt and pollute ourselves. Our present state of health and the diseases that threaten to take our bodies over hint at this process.
The air we breathe has been converted by the trees from the carbon dioxide that is part of this planet and is breathed out from us as well.
For eons the trees have shared air with us and despite the fact that you don't realize it. We are closely related to our brothers and sisters the trees.
Denude a mountainside of trees and when it rains the earth that they held together will slide over our homes in a torrent of mud.
The earth being is alive but not very well during these days we live in.
The process of degradation began when Columbus came to the shores of the Caribbean.
The land was changed by those people that later folloowed him to their shores. The people, several million of them were slaughtered wantonly and without forethought.
Those that survived diseases and the murder and rape were enslaved.
The earth was once thought of a being a sacred and living entity became the enemy of those who would conquer it.
The trees, the water, the moutains, the land and the people that lived upon it were looked upon as something to be subjugated and conquered.
Now the living earth is awakening as she begins her evolutionary processes again. With the awakening the process of changes are coming. Those that have lept the convenant will survive. Those that haven't will cease to be.
Those who foster war will die by way of the wars they propigate.
Yes, it not too late to become husbandmen and husband women of the living planet we live upon.
Work against the defiling of our most precious life giving resources.
Work against those that would pollute our home.
Boycott products that would make us sick in the end. Where there is no profit to be made then those products will cease being put on the market. Do we really need them? Are they essential to our lives?
Boycott products that aren't American made. They have no place in our country.
Boycott products that enrichen those conglomerates that promote war. In that way we can force peace to come to this planet.
Boycott those products that are unnatural and would bring sickness and further the cycles of sickness.
The time is now for all these things to come to pass.

posted on May 4, 2010 3:00 PM ()

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