Andrew Tung SK


Andrew Tung SK
Scarborough, ON
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Travel > Toilets Inspector That's Me ... ..2008oct23

Toilets Inspector That's Me ... ..2008oct23

Whenever I boarded a plane the first place I visit is the toilet. When I travelled half way round the world from Singapore to Toronto the first place I visited was the toilet. When I stopover at HongKong.....When I arrived at Heathrow.....When I checked into a hotel..... where was the first place I visited ?

So when I stay here in Toronto I was shocked to find that some retailers are up against a law that require them to have a toilet for them to use.

Canadian Tyre one of the biggest store I have ever been that sells everything from a lollipop to a lawn-mower has a toilet that you have to go to the counter to borrow a key with a big tag in order to use their not well-kept toilet.

Convenient Stores are found at every corner but when I suddenly feel the urge to release myself the saleslady told be that they do not have a toilet for anybody's convenience.

Thien Huynh of 24 Hours wrote:
Not only do I wish there were more public washrooms in Toronto, I wish they were cleaner.
Since coming home from honeymoon in Hawaii, I've become somewhat of a washroom snob/connoisseur.Over the past week I 've made pit stops in San Diego, Houston, Denver, and Mexico and their public washrooms are so much cleaner than Toronto's- which is a shame for a city that prides itself for being clean.

I totally agree with him and wish he would do more research and write more about this important topic especially for Toronto in particular and Canada in general.

posted on Oct 23, 2008 5:24 PM ()


To think we have Space Stations, Moon and Mars landings, and still can't figure out toilets on Earth for Public use.
I used to work in the Public Library as a Staff person, if there was a toilet to clean up..guess who had to do it during the day.
And my wonder is why men's rooms only have urinals..and one stall with no door? How crude is that? Scary for my young son!

Just found this to ad:
The Bathroom Diaries® rates 12000+ public bathrooms in more than 100 countries, providing a wealth of information to both travelers and urban dwellers.

The largest enterprise of its kind in the world, The Bathroom Diaries® has appeared on CNN, the BBC, USA Today and The Washington Post. TechTV has called the website, “the best idea ever

Might be a place for you to share your ratings!?
World's Largest Guide to Public Toilets, Restrooms, Bathrooms, and ...
A growing list of free public toilets around the world. Readers are invited to submit restrooms to the site. Includes an essay section. -
comment by anacoana on Oct 29, 2008 10:30 AM ()
Been there, done that - sweet revenge!!!
comment by oldfatguy on Oct 23, 2008 7:44 PM ()
When my kids were small (DD#1 was in the midst of potty training) I was standing in a long line up in the post office. DD#1 said she had to go pee but when I asked if she could use the washroom I was told it was for staff only. As we reached the counter the flood gates opened and poor DD#1 was standing in a puddle as I paid for my stamps. I told her it was OK and not to worry about her accident. It wasn't her fault the crabby lady wouldn't let her use the toilet and then we walked out. I hope the crabby cow had to clean up the mess.
comment by nittineedles on Oct 23, 2008 6:04 PM ()

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