Andrew Tung SK


Andrew Tung SK
Scarborough, ON
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Health & Fitness > Going with the Flow ... 2009mar21

Going with the Flow ... 2009mar21

post found in dailyOM
would rather call it going with the flow
October 12, 2004
Swimming With The Current
Surrendering To The Universe
Life can often seem like a battle in which it is necessary to make headway by applying more force in actions and struggling for control. The course each life takes is like a river and many people choose to swim against the current without realizing that, for all their frustrated efforts, they are making no progress. Giving yourself over to the natural flow of events can seem difficult or humbling, but in letting go of the need to always be in control and accepting that the universe is both benevolent and supportive, you will become able to access a peaceful and intuitive part of yourself and will find freedom from anxiety.

Surrender can be many things. It may involve simply acknowledging that you possess true control only over your own reactions and that a change in attitude can have a profound effect on your relationship with the world. It can mean that you have given yourself over to a natural flow of actions and events, setting goals without attaching conditions, to walk in step with the universe.Letting go and trusting that the journey is as important as the outcome will make coping with challenges a less fearful experience, but doing so requires confidence in one's self and the ability to accept that there is no "what should be." When you understand that certain things are out of your control and that whatever path you tread will be the right one, you will have less cause to doubt your own abilities and infinite opportunities to be satisfied with the moment.

As the future unfolds itself around you, you will flow with the stream of changes, accepting new directions and detours as they present themselves rather than fighting against the current. With this transformation will come simplicity, peace, and freedom, as you begin to cast aside the unhappiness, frustration, and resentment of strife in favor of a beautiful surrendered existence.

Larry 2009/03/21 11:00 AM
Surrendering to the universe is so important; it prepares us for our journey beyond. Thanatologist; those in the healthcare profession who study human death and dying, have concluded that the way a person lives their life is and indication of the way that they will face their own death.

If a person gets stressed out over the least little thing while here on Earth then the chances are good that they will surely get stressed out when removed from this Earth. It is so important while we are alive here on earth to learn how to surrender to the universe.

No one can tell another what their death will be like because our death will be as unique as we are, and it will mean to us whatever we want it to mean. But if a person has made adequate preparations for that continued journey then they will not experience the sting of what we call "death."

Then again if those preparations are not adequate that person may experience being torn from this earthly existence with great emotional distress. Being torn from their senses is commonly referred to as "the sting of death."

I have seen hundreds of people die; as a combat medic during the Vietnam war, later as and ambulance paramedic, and still later in my hospital work and as a hospice worker. Some people die in great pain and fear while others die with a smile on their face and light in their eyes. In my opinion it is all about surrender.

Adequate preparation requires the ability to let go; let go of ego, let go of thoughts, feelings, and your very senses. Indeed, it requires letting go of your physical human body at the time of your death and all which that entails. With adequate preparation there is no sting of death; there is only a very smooth transition. A transition into something which is already within us.

This transition requires humility, and such preparation can be found in most spiritual and religious paths; as most spiritual and religious paths talk about surrender and letting go. Surrender and letting go brings a fullness of inner calm which generates a confidence that peacefully removes us from this earthly drama.

When we dwell in that inner peace while still here on earth we exist in that placeless place where a smooth transition beyond resides. In my opinion surrender and humility are more important than we can ever imagine.

>_> i have not seen many people die with my own eyes but Larry confirms what i always believe that how we live determines how we leave. Always a good boy scout we have to BE PREPAARED.

posted on Mar 22, 2009 8:11 AM ()

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