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Food & Drink > Want to Save on Food $..?

Want to Save on Food $..?

My hubby just came home with our CARE CLUB food boxes.
Look in your phone-book, front section under County area, look for Care Club, or Food Bank. If not call your local Senior Center, or Chamber of Commerce, they should have a number for this service.
The Care Club monthly boxes cost $15.00, you'll need to purchase early in the month so they'll have it ready for you on pick up date. You'll get a receipt with pick up date and time.If you work all week, think lunch hour or break time, they are ready and will have all but frozen food in a shopping cart ready to load you car, and here they help you lift and load:)

Here's what I got in the boxes for $15.00 AND when you sign up they do NOT ask about level of income etc. Anyone can purchase these. The local grocery stores donate their overstock to this place. We get the really healthy overstock items, guess those don't sell out..goodie for us.

So here's the list and tell me if you could buy this ALL with $15.00's?

2-3 lbs. of boneless chicken breasts
1 lb. package of winners, (pork/beef/chicken, ingredients)
2 1 lb. packs of ground beef.

1 huge seedless watermelon
3 green peppers
5 assorted types of zucchinis
1 eggplant
1 sack white potatoes

Canned Goods:
1 mixed veggies
1 condensed cream of chicken soup
1 crushed pineapple
1 re-fried beans

Dry Goods:
2 boxes mack & cheese
2 packs Ramen noodles
1 1lb of dried beans..pinto

Bread stuff:
1 package hot dog buns
1 package hamburger/sandwich thin slices w. w. ( LOVE them so healthy and taste great and less bread to eat.)
1 w.w.loaf of bread
1 loaf of Premium Potato bread
1 w.w. double fiber muffins

Thomas Brand
1 English Muffins
1 W.W. Bagels

1 box NECTAR Strawberry 100 percent concentrate juice.

1 doz. eggs

1 Box Family size assort. donuts Entennann's

1 Mayo with lime juice? (can't wait to try that?)

I think that's all? hope you find this in your area, great way to stretch the family food money.

posted on May 12, 2011 11:06 AM ()


I'll have to check it out! Thank, Ana!
comment by marta on May 12, 2011 8:08 PM ()
The annual "Stamp Out Hunger" food drive conducted by the National Association of Letter Carriers and the National Rural Letter Carriers is the largest one-day food drive in the nation. Place a food donation by your mailbox May 14 before your mail is delivered. Your letter-carrier will do the rest.

Some people who have helped donate before are the ones who need that help now. The recession is not over for the working poor, people who are just barely getting by. Many people are relieved because their good deed is coming full circle.

We never know if or when we might need the help.

Mail carriers will be collecting the donations Saturday morning.
Read more: Stamp Out Hunger - Plymouth, MA - Wicked Local Plymouth
reply by anacoana on May 13, 2011 8:07 AM ()
It is called S.H.A. R.E here--and they do specials on the holiday like on Thanksgiving a turkey (or Turkey breast), yams, pumpkin pie, cranberries plus fresh produce, stuffing, gravy, etc. It really is a good
deal but I do have a confession to make--over New Year's weekend I bought their 5 pound ham package, ate the whole thing in one night and landed in the hospital that night with congestive heart failure--
Ironically 2 and 1/2 years ago I had an pig's aorta valve put in my heart--funny how life works!
comment by greatmartin on May 12, 2011 3:20 PM ()
The annual "Stamp Out Hunger" food drive conducted by the National Association of Letter Carriers and the National Rural Letter Carriers is the largest one-day food drive in the nation. Place a food donation by your mailbox May 14 before your mail is delivered. Your letter-carrier will do the rest.

Some people who have helped donate before are the ones who need that help now. The recession is not over for the working poor, people who are just barely getting by. Many people are relieved because their good deed is coming full circle.

We never know if or when we might need the help.

Mail carriers will be collecting the donations Saturday morning.
Read more: Stamp Out Hunger - Plymouth, MA - Wicked Local Plymouth
reply by anacoana on May 13, 2011 8:08 AM ()
We have it in Florida by another name and, of course, for the life of mr I don't remember the other name!!! I use to avail myself of their services but they have almost doubled in price plus we have The Pantry where if you are eligible--yes, being on food stamps, only income being Social Security makes you eligible--where you get 50 pounds of food EVERY month free and it is mind boggling what you get.
What I do is give my neighbors whatever I don't think I will use--yeah sure like I won't use EVERYTHING!--but I do share it with a few who aren't eligible (they make too much social security! Trust me it is below $1,000 a month!)
As soon as I remember what they call it here I'll let you know!
comment by greatmartin on May 12, 2011 1:32 PM ()
Good idea for people who are unemployed and have families or seniors struggling to afford groceries. Even if they didn't ask my income level, I would not feel right taking advantage of something like this because there are so many more deserving people in this area.
comment by kitchentales on May 12, 2011 11:41 AM ()
The annual "Stamp Out Hunger" food drive conducted by the National Association of Letter Carriers and the National Rural Letter Carriers is the largest one-day food drive in the nation. Place a food donation by your mailbox May 14 before your mail is delivered. Your letter-carrier will do the rest.

Some people who have helped donate before are the ones who need that help now. The recession is not over for the working poor, people who are just barely getting by. Many people are relieved because their good deed is coming full circle.

We never know if or when we might need the help.

Mail carriers will be collecting the donations Saturday morning.
Read more: Stamp Out Hunger - Plymouth, MA - Wicked Local Plymouth
reply by anacoana on May 13, 2011 8:08 AM ()
We are on Food Stamps and Social Security, so it really helps.
reply by anacoana on May 12, 2011 11:50 AM ()

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