If prayer would do it
I'd pray.
If reading esteemed thinkers would do it
I'd be halfway through the Patriarchs.
If discourse would do it
I'd be sitting with His Holiness
every moment he was free.
If contemplation would do it
I'd have translated the Periodic Table
to hermit poems, converting
matter to spirit.
If even fighting would do it
I'd already be a blackbelt.
If anything other than love could do it
I've done it already
and left the hardest for last.
~ Stephen Levine ~
(Breaking the Drought)
Web archive of Panhala postings: www.panhala.net/Archive/Index.html
Stephen Levine as the author of several classic books in the field of conscious living and dying -- including A Gradual Awakening, Who Dies, Healing into Life and Death, and A Year to Live. He is also the coauthor, with his wife Ondrea Levine, of the acclaimed Embracing the Beloved: Relationship as a Path of Awakening.
His poetry reflects a deep attention, a recognition of the immensity of the still moment and the still heart, and the opportunities given to us as we approach that unavoidable mystery, death.
His collection of poetry, "Breaking the Drought: Visions of Grace" is wonderful meditation on life and death, the known and the unknown, being and becoming, and how awareness flows through them.
Stephen and Ondrea Levine live in the mountains of New Mexico.
Stephen Levine's earlier work can be found in the Oracle (eg. vol 1, no 9, 1967) and other underground San Francisco papers from the Sixties. A treasure hunt for collectors...