Flatley dances again thanks to Irish energy healer

This is great news. I loved his dancing and productions, have you seen them?
DUBLIN (Reuters) –
Irish-American dance master Michael Flatley is back on stage after years of suffering from a "mystery virus,"
thanks to a treatment by an Irish "energy healer," Irish media quoted
Flatley as saying on Wednesday.
Flatley, born in the United States in 1958 of Irish heritage, rose to
fame as a member of the "Riverdance" troupe that helped propel Irish dancing into the global spotlight and later opened his own "Lord of the Dance" show.

He was taken to hospital in London in 2006 with a virus that forced him to cancel the European tour of his "Celtic Tiger" show, a dramatisation of Ireland's history.
"Conventional medicine failed to cure me from my mystery virus," Flatley told the Irish Independent newspaper.
"And then, by chance, I met a young man from Ireland called Michael O'Doherty who works on the body's energy," Flatley said.
"When he came to visit me in Ireland, I could barely get out of the
chair," he said. "He visited me about 10 times afterwards and, now, I
feel really good. Great, in fact. I can dance at speed and I'm close to
100 percent fit again," he added.
According to the clinic's website, the "Plexus System" developed by
Michael O'Doherty and Tom Griffin works by "rebalancing the life-force
energy within and around the body."
"Einstein concluded that everything is energy and beyond energy is a Supreme Intelligence,"
the website says. "Within the Plexus System, we have begun to
understand the powerful effectiveness of this intelligent life force."
Thanks to the treatment, Flatley has been able to take part in U.S.
celebrity dance TV shows and has resumed a strict daily training
regime, the Irish Independent said.
(Reporting by Andras Gergely)
Plexus Bio-Energy
Developed in Ireland by Michael O'Doherty and Tom Griffin the Plexus Health-Care System represents the integration of a network of powerful and effective ...
“Within the Plexus Bio-Energy Clinics, the primary aim of the therapist
is to locate any energy disturbances using a series of unique hand
movements to scan the energy field within and around the human body,”
explains Tom.
While Tom works mainly from his base in Claremorris, he also holds
clinics around the country, including Cavan, Mullingar, Ennis, Wexford,
Cork and Newport. Talks and lectures can also be arranged, around the
country. Tom also regularly teaches Kinesiology Touch For Health in
Claremorris. Tom also taught Bio-Energy for many years.
* In the coming weeks, Tom will undertake a series of clinics in
Belmullet, Newport and Claremorris. For more information see the
websites, www.plexusbio-energy.com or bioenergywest.com, or contact Tom
at 094 9371224 or 087 6785001.
excerpt from Mayo Clinic
Though I have never seen him performed but just bit and pieces of him dancing.Glad to hear that he is back and doing what he loves.