Just stumbled upon this and sharing it for what it's worth.
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(My dad was into the idea that Life was stranger than fiction..Indeed ana)
Economic Collapse & the NWO
Alternative media activist Alex Jones discussed the pending economic collapse and its relation to the New World Order. Several years ago, he warned that banks were planning to artificially implode the subprime mortgages, and now we've seen that come to pass.
A thousand trillion in fake assets were leveraged out by select international private banks, who used the "false paper" to buy up things such as media companies, defense contractors, shipping companies, and mines -- then the real assets were "fenced" into key infrastructure leaving the big brokerage firms and banks as hollow fronts ready to fall, Jones explained. The public is then told "you will be in a depression," unless you sign on for the bailout, he continued.
The proposed $700 billion federal bailout plan will actually end up costing $5 trillion, he declared. This plan, if enacted, will lead to 20-40% inflation in the next 2-4 years, and the military/police will be employed for crowd control in the face of civil unrest (related article), Jones cautioned. He also spoke about "false flag" events such as a faked UFO landing-- a New World Order plan to instill mass panic and control. Such an event could be enabled by the Pentagon's giant hologram projection systems, he noted.